We are very impressed by his workmanship and the design. Ammon was very happy as you can see in the photo with Lance. His football no longer has to sit in a silly box. It is proudly displayed in his bedroom.
Thank you Lance! And thanks for coming over. We really enjoyed talking and seeing Nancy. She is a cute pregnant lady. I appreciated your comments about having a baby and the great attitude you both have about being parents. You will both be good parents.
On another note, we sometimes forget to post photos of Kaitlin when she goes to dances. She doesn't initiate the request about posting photos of herself. She's a cutie, though. Here are some we took just before she left for Sweethearts (girl's choice). Adrianne, you might recognize Sarah Clark - the girl on the right. She's Rachel's sister. Kaitlin is very good friends with her.
Hello! :)
That's a great picture of you two! Nice job Lance!
Good job Lance! That is great. Where are the pictures of Katy?
Mom couldn't get the pictures to upload. they will come later. amster
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