Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Talking Head

This morning I called Jess at work and asked him to come and give Ammon a blessing. I had oil with me, and Ammon wanted one. He had been given a board with lots of little signs on it that one could point to to tell the nurse or whomever what he wanted. One of the signs was a blessing. I had given him one on Sunday before we came up, but since he wanted one, I thought it was right to do it before he had the tube removed from his throat. He had been little scared, but he was just fine for the extubation a few minutes later.

This morning at about nine the respiratory therapist took the tube out with Dr. Willis (a great resident) and another doctor looking on. Before the tube was out two inches from his mouth Ammon was taking and so excited it was almost funny. Even Steve, the therapist, was laughing at his excitement.

So now it is just a waiting game to see how he has done. It is too early to tell right now.

Believe it or not, Mom told me this morning that the person I mentioned, Mrs. Glen, in the blog yesterday as being Dr. Smith's sister who lives in Salem, is actually Ammon's speech teacher a school! That is a very unusual thing. The Smiths are from Minnesota. So it very unusual that we would get someone of all the ENT doctors, that had Ammon as his sister's student.

This is what Dr. Smith told me they did on Monday evening. DX: Laryngeal Stenosis and Airway Obstruction- scar and granulation on undersurface of Larynx and posterior Subglottis. Proceedure: Microlarynoscopy and Dilation and Kenalog injection.

Dad Clark


Jason said...

It is good to hear that Ammon is doing alright.

Team Clark said...

Thanks for the update. Glad to hear things are going alright.
Keep up the good work, Ammon!

Mike and Adrianne said...

Yeah! It sounds like he is doing much better today. We will keep praying that things won't get worse again.