Monday, November 10, 2008

Today is the US Marine Corps' birthday

......And Jen's. Happy Birthday, Jen!!


chelsey said...

Have a great birthday out there in the beautiful Maui sun! You should find a good restaurant to eat at tonight. Did you try DJ's pizza place on Front Street yet? They have great pizza and if you time it right, you can eat out on the balcony and watch the sunset. They even have a man singing somewhere over the rainbow with the ukelele. I'll bet he'd sing you Happy Birthday! ;))

Michelle said...

Happy Birthday Jen. I hope it's a wonderful day for you!

LanceandNance said...

Happy birthday Jennifer. You don't look a day older than yesterday you ole' turkey.

Mike and Adrianne said...

Happy Birthday! Hawaii would be an awesome way to spend your birthday.

Lokodi said...

Where are the pictures of you? Happy b-day girl. Are you having fun in Hawaii? When do you get back?


Papa Doc said...

I told the girls that I was going to call their parents and tell them to stay in Hawaii so that the girls could just live with me. Abby said defiently, "No," and Leah started to cry. I guess they have trouble yet with Grandpa's distorted humor.

Yesterday when Abby was eating, and that sparingly, she said she did not like anything. I told her I would call her Mom and tell her she did not like her any more. Again, my humor was not appreciated and I had to do a quick back peddle.

Jen, just the fact of the existance of those girls should assure you a place in the highest heaven. But don't forget to take Jesser with you!

Dad Clark

Team Clark said...

Happy Birthday, Jen - have a wonderful day!