Monday, November 10, 2008

Happy 38th

Happy Birthday Jason


chelsey said...

There's no "way out" of your birthday. Face the facts -- 40 is fast approaching. He he he. Have a good one.

LanceandNance said...

Happy birthday man. You are so old. Hope you have a good day.

Mike and Adrianne said...

Happy Birthday Jason!

Lokodi said...

Happy birthday. You look great in these pictures. I hope you have a great b-day. What did you ask for?


Jason said...

Whorled Peas.

Papa Doc said...

Peas? You lie. But only a small one.

You are almost skinny. The other day Abby asked me who that young and handsome kid was in the wall hanging on the upper left corner. I told her, and she acted like I was lieing. No lieing here. I like toast.

Dad Clark

Team Clark said...

Happy Birthday, Jason! Have a great day!