Monday, November 03, 2008

Is it November?

It was 83 degrees here yesterday. It's been in the 80's since Friday. Today is 78 and then it will stay in the 70's until this weekend and then will be in the 60's. I just can't believe it is so warm still. It is usually starting to have some really cold days here already. What is everyone experiencing?


Jess and Jen said...

Absolutely perfect wedding since before Dave's wedding. It was 74 here last week, but that is turning. We had a lot of rain yesterday and will have rain mixed with snow tomorrow afternoon. I think our Indian Summer officially ends tonight.

Jason said...

I am wearing a t-shirt and shorts to work today!!! It feels like September, not November. After last winter, I will take all the decent weather I can get.

chelsey said...

It's awesome here today too! It's supposed to get up to 75 today! It'll be this way all week until Sat when it drops down to 50 again. I'm going to enjoy the week!

Papa Doc said...

You have had an extention of our recent good weather. But it rained yesterday and it will probably get you. Being in Oklahoma, you should have a good hit, however. that serves the okies right.

Dad Clark

Mike and Adrianne said...

Actually Dad, we are getting your weather on Wed. or Thursday and it will get down to the 60's. It is supposed to go back up to the 70's by next Monday though. Of course, that could change pretty quickly. The thing with our weather is that you guys get freakin' cold at night and we still stay relatively warm.