The sisters visited Jane's house and found a man there. They asked him if he was interested in hearing more about the LDS church and he said, "Actually, I am." There were no ladies in the house, so the sisters couldn't enter and instead gave him the first discussion on the doorstep. He soaked it up. A return appointment was made for a few days later.
Turns out Jane Doe is married and has 13- and 7-year-old sons. Jane's the only member in the family. Well, with John Doe** now taking discussions, it was pretty much like they were teaching the whole family. Jane hadn't been to church in quite some time and couldn't provide much insight to John. I attended one of the discussions and was impressed with how genuinuely interested John and the family were in attending church and eventually getting baptized. John was fairly concerned at how his family would react to his decision and we tried to provide some comfort / support.
The baptism happened last Sunday while I was in Hawaii, but I'm told it was very good. John reported to me that people at work or elsewhere would ask how it went and he said, "It was like I had a baptism hangover...I couldn't find the right words and would mumble and slur, but it was amazing!" Both he and his 13-year-old son (hmm...we'll call him Mack) got baptized.
I had the opportunity to confirm both today during Sacrament Meeting. It was a good opportunity for the ward to see this, too, because everyone was excited and was glad to see a confirmation separate from the usual kid-during-stake-baptism ritual we do when we baptize folks like a factory. Wohoo! This was all about having the right people (missionaries) in the right place (John's doorstep) at the right time (after a lifetime of the Lord softening John's heart and opening his mind).
* Her name has been changed to preserve privacy and add humor to this post.
** His name has also been changed. I hope you didn't really need the note to explain this. Just how many Jane and John Doe's do you really know?
That is great to hear, Jess. I hope your EQ follows up well.
Brent has (and Geoff too) been doing some missionary work. It's always fun to see them fired up after sharing the gospel. One of Brent's coworkers came to church last week. Hopefully he'll come again. He's reading the bofm and we're hoping he'll let the missionaries teach him. He won't be in our ward, so it's hard to really help in the fellowshiping process. I hope your ward is great with that. It's ridiculously important to keep them there! Great story Jess. Hope you have many more to come.
This is a great story, although I guess it isn't a story. It is awesome to see how the Lord works to get people ready for those missionaries. We have had a lot of people that we have shared the Gospel with out here and so far haven't had any sucess with anyone accepting it. It is frustrating because they show so much interest and then they just decide that they don't want to do the work to find out if it is true.
I'm so glad you shared this, Jess. It's good to hear that it happens out here, too. We had a rash of baptisms in our ward about 4 years ago and it was so exciting. Nothing has happened with any non-members for a while now. We are working hard to fellowship our next-door neighbor. She came to our Enrichment night last week and found 50 eager friends. I think she had a good time. Jim is something like a grandpa to their kids and we really love this family. I hope she will eventually join the church. It will give her great comfort because their first child died in a tragic accident. It would be a wonderful experience for them to have that baby sealed to them. She's a great mom.
I love missionary work - I love to see the changes that come -- I love the enthusiasm new members bring to a ward.
Thanks for reminding me of the importance of sharing the gospel and opening our mouths.
Great story, Jess - thanks for sharing it!
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