Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Another Baby in the House

I've been wanting another baby around and it's sure been a long time since that has happened. Jason wasn't so sure what having another one around would be like and asked me many times

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

I told him Definately YES!!!

Especially since this time it's going to be much much easier.

How can it be easier?

It just will be and so fun.

I just am so ready to do this, this time.

I am so looking forward to this. I found out several months ago about the baby and her expected arrival. Now that the time has come to announce her, that's what I'm doing.

OK, ok,

this isn't nice.

We are not having a baby. Did I have anyone going at all???

The baby I speak of is named Bella and she is already here at the house. Asleep right now so that's a happy time for her and I.

She will be with our family on Tuesday through Thursday of every week.

I have decided to stay home and not work that other job that I've been at for 4 years, and watch her. She is 10 weeks old today and just adorable. Thick dark brown hair and oh so cute.

I will be watching her 5 days a week starting next Fall, but for now just 3 a week.

I love the fact that I will get to stay home again and get so much done.

So far this week I've cleaned the entire kitchen, caught up the crazy laundry (washed, dried, folded, sorted and put away) vacuumed every carpet in the entire house including stairs, shampooed the two major carpets in the house. Organized and cleaned my office to the point where you can see my desk. Cleaned out the van and much more. I just love being home again.
Now I'm going to go attack the oven, which needs my attention inside and out and then clean the refrigerator. There's a list a mile long of items that need attention, but now they can have more focus since I'll be here so much more. Heck I think I'll make a really nice dinner for tonight complete with dessert.

Meanwhile this morning when she was dropped off Brenden, Scott and Alyssa all held her and just loved doing that. Scott asked if we could keep her. I told him to ask Dad if we can get a sister or not?


Papa Doc said...

Oh, that's so exciting that you will be able to do this and that you are excited about it as well!
Good for you. After taking off a lot of time this summer, I really hated coming back to work. It was so nice to have some days to stay home and clean and organize! I understand how you feel.
I can see that Alyssa will be a little mother and will probably love Bella.
Good luck - hope she is a wonderful little baby and easy to care for.

Jason said...

Everybody read that, right? She is making dinner? And a nice one at that? Wow!

Team Clark said...

Na - I figured there was a catch. Although, it would have been fun if you were having a baby! I kept waiting for you to say you got a kitten or a puppy or something.
That's great, though - we hope you enjoy your time at home!

Jess and Jen said...

I'll let you "stay at home" for an entire day at my house if you want. Jess and I will take your kids and do something fun while you're out here and you can clean my house and make us a yummy dinner and dessert too.

I did like how you bolded the "and put away" part of doing the laundry. Sometimes I fold the girls' laundry then it sits on my floor for a day or two before I put it away.


Mike and Adrianne said...

My laundry sits around too. I fold it and put it back in the basket so I can take them to each room but then I never unload the basket and have no where to put our dirty clothes. I've been trying to do better at putting them away. I have to fold laundry right after writing this comment actually.

Michelle, I also thought it was a dog you were getting. Is the baby named after Bella from the Twilight series?

chelsey said...

Good one. I too was waiting for a dog or kitten. It's nice to hear the kids love her so much too.

I am nodding about the laundry stuff too! I find if I fold it all on my bed, I have to at least put it in the room it belongs to before I can climb in bed at night. That doesn't mean the kids ever put the clean clothes inside their drawers though. There's almost always a little pile of clean laundry sitting on top of their dressers. I should just be nice and do it myself -- yeah right. I've got too many other little things to do around the house!

Michelle said...

I actually did do dinner, wasn't sure if I'd get to it. It is Mexican Lasagna (since all the children like that) and a Pumpkin Pie for dessert.

It's funny you all mention laundry because for the longest time it just sits around here and makes a huge pile. There have been many times we have had to pile up the laundry in several baskets and dump it on our bed so someone could visit. It's never ending.

Team Clark said...

Funny story - a couple of years ago when we stayed with Jason and Michelle's kids there was a huge pile of clean laundry on the couch in the basement pretty much the whole time we were there. Often we would bring all of the kids down and tell them to pick out their clothes and they would all say that they weren't theirs! It was the funniest thing. We knew they had to belong to someone, but since we didn't live there, we were clueless as to what belonged to who. Anyway - I still laugh about it - the pile of laundry that didn't belong to anyone!

Michelle said...

We do still have a basket of unmatched socks that "don't belong to everyone" It has become too much of a nightmare to match them anymore, so I sort all the socks into this basket and let the boys find a match in the morning. I think when we pack for Utah we will just bring the basket because I don't think I can handle matching any socks to pack. And there is a tiny basket of clothes everyone is claiming that don't belong to them, but this time it's not a pile on the couch it's a folded sorted by size pile in a basket out of sight and I know these clothes were once loved and now everyone says, "Not mine." If it's still like this in a couple weeks I'm going to Goodwill with all of them.