Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Who will be the closest?

Mike's family is having a contest to see who can guess when I will have the baby. What do you all think? My due date is May 4th. When do you think he will arrive?


Jess and Jen said...

Jen's guess: April 26th

Michelle said...

On your birthday April 30th around 5p.m.

Or second guess, on Scott's birthday, April 25th at 7p.m.

Jess and Jen said...

I will copy Michelle and guess Adrianne's birthday, April 30, but around 3am. Adrianne likes this middle of the night stuff.

And to highlight the # of birthdays this time of the year, I'll guess on Nancy's birthday, April 25th at 2:30am.

Mike and Adrianne said...

Ugh, I hope it doesn't come on my birthday! I think you are right about the middle of the night stuff though.

I am happy with him coming in 10 days--then he is full term. In 10 days we are going for long, long walks and Mike is free to have all the fun he wants..yikes, did I just say that on our blog?

Papa Doc said...

I will say April 18th. Don't know why -- it just looked like a good day.

Team Clark said...

April 16th.

chelsey said...

April 22nd. 11:35pm.