Monday, February 04, 2008

First Presidency of the Church

The new first presidency of the Church was just announced at 11:00 a.m. today, Feb. 4, 2008. President Thomas S. Monson has called Elder Henry B. Erying to be the first councilor and Deiter F. Uchtdorf as the second councilor. The general message of the news conference was that they would continue on the path that was blazed by President Hinckley.
The Church moves forward!


chelsey said...

Yeah! I like all of these men. Eyring and Uchtdorf are great speakers too!

Jess and Jen said...

I was surprised by the choice. Two very young (age and seniority) apostles now in the presidency. How cool.

I guess they wanted a young presidency to usher in the second coming... Jess

Papa Doc said...

Isn't that funny that we say young -- yes, young in seniority, but Elder Uchtdorf is 68 and Elder Erying is in his early 70's. They seem much younger to me. Maybe that's because I'm almost their age. :)

Jess and Jen said...

Jen confirmed that Eyring was 75. I had no idea. They do seem younger than that!

Mike and Adrianne said...

what I thought was intersting is that the last few prophets have had a member in their presidencies that had seniority and therefore, would be the prophet but these two men don't...they will have to live a long time to be the prophet or have a lot of men die.

chelsey said...

We were talking about the new presidency for FHE last night. It was funny that the kids both recogized Pres. Monson as a great storyteller, but couldn't even pronounce the other 2's names! Geoff thought they were pretty cool though. What a group of intelligent men -- in every sense of the word.

chelsey said...

We were talking about the new presidency for FHE last night. It was funny that the kids both recogized Pres. Monson as a great storyteller, but couldn't even pronounce the other 2's names! Geoff thought they were pretty cool though. What a group of intelligent men -- in every sense of the word.