Friday, January 18, 2008

Even the churches notice!

It's funny that Lindsey mentioned Ammon's nickname for Eva, because I was driving down the street yesterday and saw this church sign! Her reputation must be making its way around the country! We had a great time with her when she was here.


Lokodi said...

Holy Crap!!! How'd you do that? I had to look at it like a thousand times. That's so awesome!


Papa Doc said...

This is amazing. There is one Reverand that must get at least some revelation.

Dad Clark

P.S. I think I would get a picture of that for Eva to keep in her book of rememberance.

Jess and Jen said...

I've had lots of fun with the church signs. I remember writing one with the following phrase:

Jason: Come to U of Iowa.
Jess: Why? I already have my H.S. diploma.

I saved that jpeg and sent it off to him for his approval. Don't think he quite agreed.