Thursday, November 29, 2007

Christmas Gifts...

Okay, so the only way I can think of for the rotation to work is if we start over. If we follow the current set up Adam would have himself this year. There needs to be more order to, this year everyone has the person just younger than them. Then next year it would be two siblings younger. So, after 11 years everyone would have themselves..which means we'd be back at then sibling just younger than them.

I made a list of who people had last year according to the comments posted today. I think if we all buy a gift for the sibling just younger then no one will be giving a gift to the same person as last year.

What do you all think?


Mike and Adrianne said...

I agree. I think it should've beent that way in the first place. So much easier.

Mike and Adrianne said...

I thought we would just skip ourselves anyway. That is why I thought Adam and Amy had Chelsey or Ammon.

chelsey said...

We're fine with that idea. So we have Jess and Jen then. Once everyone's read this let's post the list to be sure we've all got it straight.

Lokodi said...

Jess, did I miss something? I thought that's what we were all doing in the first place. We would just skip ourselves and go to the next person. So, I have Chelsey and Brent this year.


Jess and Jen said...

Yes, Lindsey, you did miss something. You will have Lance and Nancy this year.

If we kept the current strategy, Adam would have to skip himself and go to Chelsey...who you're claiming to also have. I'm sure Chelsey wouldn't mind being had by two people, but that isn't really the best way to do it.


Lokodi said...

so, everyone's supposed to have the person who had them last year?

Jess and Jen said...

I'll call, young lady. We should talk about this rather.

Team Clark said...

We've got it. We'll have Adrianne and Mike. Just kidding. We'll have Chelsey and Brent.
Thanks for the direction, Jess!
Chelsey - start thinking about a few ideas for us!

Michelle said...

I think someone should just post the list. Please, cause I'm really confused.