Saturday, October 06, 2007

Eva's 1st Birthday

Hey there. I just created an album from the pictures of Eva's birthday. Here's the link. Enjoy.



Jess and Jen said...

So cute! I'm glad you figured out how to put the album online so we could all see the pictures! We love the one with the chocolate frosting all over and the one with the bowl covering her face! Looks like she had a fun birthday!


gillian said...

She is a doll! I hope she had a good birthday! I am so excited to see you at christmas! When are you coming out?

Mike and Adrianne said...

I second Jen about those two pictures. I also like the one where she is looking at her doll. So cute! Is that the outfit I sent a long time ago? If so, she is so cute in it. Well, even if it isn't she is still so cute in it.

Lokodi said...

yes, that's the outfit you sent when she was first born. She wears it all the time because it's my favorite one and they are the only geans that really work for her. It's getting too small now even though it's 18 months!
As far as coming out for christmas, I have no idea what I'll be doing but I better make up my mind soon because tickets are getting expensive!

Papa Doc said...

That picture of the beautiful young girl with the plate in her face reminds me of another young girl who loved to do such things. She is a close relative of Eva.

Dad Clark

LanceandNance said...

Eva is the cutest minootest. What a doll. Looks like she enjoyed her first birthday. I wish I could squeeze her cheeks and give her a little kiss. Isn't that what uncles and aunts do?

Jason said...

I second everyone else's comments. Eva is a real cutie. Did she "get" what was going on at all?