Wednesday, September 19, 2007

We're Alive!!

Ah... To have the internet again! We are finally able to plug back into life over here! It's funny how much we've become dependant on the internet. We still aren't sure if our phones will work because there's no dial tone. The fax machine gets a tone, but that's it. I'm hoping it's because our phones need to charge up for a good long while. We'll see. I'll post the new number soon.

I know we need to get photos up, but I don't want to clog up this blog, so I'll put them in a picasa album and give you a link. I'll try and get that done soon.

I've been sitting here reading the last month's blog enteries and cracking up laughing -- Lindsey, I love the "thighs" pic! Too bad our thighs can't be that cute as we get older. Oh and Jason -- I noticed mom made a comment on your visit to my house where she said I called your kids "monsters". I certainly hope you didn't take that the wrong way!! I don't think she mentioned that I meant that your kids were tall!! The are all just bigger than mine. Just thought I'd clear that up in case that comment was misinterpreted. It was great to have you and your kids there! Too bad Michelle, Jared, and Daniel weren't able to come though. Next time, we'll actually have stuff for the kids to do while they're here and we won't be stepping over boxes everywhere!


Jess and Jen said...

Welcome back, Pugh Family. We're excited to see pics with your furniture moved in and not the empty house we've already seen on the MLS pages.

Glad you're connected. Keep us updated as to life in Ohio!


Jason said...

I had actually forgotten about that comment. It did not offend me. I am very difficult to offend. I am glad that things are settling down for you guys. I hope you are enjoying your new house.

Papa Doc said...

Just to clarify -- I did mean that you said Jason's kids were huge -- not mean! That didn't even dawn on me that someone might take it the wrong way!!
Sorry if that offended anyone. It was not meant that way at all. In fact, Chelsey said how nice your kids were and especially how much she enjoyed visiting with Caleb. She said he was very kind and respectful.