Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Just two questions

Two things:

I do some surveys online for $5 a survey. They send maybe two a month. It's not a big deal but an easy $5. I just got an email asking if there is any one I know that is a male 18 years or older that wants to participate in the surveys. If you want to, email or call me and I will send you the email so you can sign up.

Second thing is we just got an email about a trial Netflix thing. I think you get a free month or something. Anyway, is there anyone that wants to try Netflix for a month? If so, let me know about that too. I know some of you use redbox or blockbuster. We just have this offer and if no one wants it I'm going to delete it from my email box.



Jess and Jen said...

Adrianne...are you doing the survery for pinecone? I did those when I was in they ever send you free stuff to try out? That was the best part!


Mike and Adrianne said...

I am. And yes, I have gotten free stuff to try. I can't say what because it's confidential. But it's easy money. Some of the surveys are kind of long but not bad.

LanceandNance said...

I bet Lance would love a chance to earn an extra 5 bucks here and there. You should totally send it to him.