Sunday, September 16, 2007

No clever title tonight

It's nearly 10 pm and I can still hear Scott singing in his room. He is going to be exhausted in the morning. At least they aren't fighting.
I have really realized the last couple of days that I am not as young as I used to be. We were cleaning up the basement and I found an old folder with some old scout stuff in it. Included were some scout records of mine signed in the early 80's by Jim Peterson. Additionally, the write up of my Eagle Scout project with pictures was in the folder. Did you know that in 1986 Dad had blond hair and almost no wrinkles? I also found Michelle's old journal from the time period that we met. Don't tell her but I read it. Michelle was an incredible journal writer. Nearly every day of our relationship from the day we met until about two weeks before our wedding is chronicled. It was interesting to see what she was thinking. Now she keeps all her writing on the computer. Maybe someday I'll stumble on those files and with her permission (of course) read them. On Thursday, I got an email from an old high school friend that I haven't seen since I left on my mission. His name is Clint McLoughry. Clint got baptized while I was on my mission but I don't think he is active anymore. It was great to hear from him and hear what was going on with some of my other high school friends. Finally, tonight, I was fixing the computer in Michelle's office and found a picture from our wedding. It is a family picture. Mom is holding Katy and David looks like he is having his toe nails pulled out. Adam is standing in the back with a button down shirt buttoned to the top with no tie and a pair of Levis. I thought both Mom and Michelle were going to kill him for that. Lance reminds me of a young Jared. As I look at that picture I find it hard to believe that nearly everybody in that picture is married and most with children of their own. What good fortune I have to be in this family.


Jess and Jen said...

I vaguely remember that day. The thing I remember most is driving to and from the temple, particularly over an area that was suspended by a bridge that went over what I thought was a quarry or something. I don't remember it exactly.

I also remember the open house we had in Walton and the fact that we built a dance floor in the backyard. That was pretty sweet.

Papa Doc said...

Oh, what good fortune I have to have this family! And you as a son, too.

By the way, I still do have blonde hair and I am too fat to have wrinkles.

Dad Clark