Monday, September 17, 2007

Just a little from us

We wanted to say that we are sorry to hear about Katy's feet. I remember when we were at mom and dad's and she said she thought she broke her feet. I will admit that I thought she was exaggerating (not because I didn't believe you Katy) because she did a twirl and said, "Ow." I Thought, "It can't be that bad if she only says, 'ow.'" But she did break them! I am so amazed that she can dance on them for so long and not even show a lot of pain!!! She and Gilly must have a large pain threshold. I'm impressed, and sad for you. Anyway, we hope your feet get better soon.

In other news, our lives are kind of boring right now. Mike is enjoying work and I am just taking care of the boys. We are trying to go for walks while the weather is good. I am also getting ready for the Primary program. The boys just got a cool backyard toy from some people in our ward (for free of course or they wouldn't have gotten it). The only other news is that we don't have any time on our phone card so we haven't called anyone. Who knows when we will get more minutes. I think about it every day and then forget. So if you want to talk to us, just call us.


Papa Doc said...

I went to your blog and read about your dog thing. Looks like lots of people are interested in dogs.

I think your boys are just great. It was so wonderful to see them now when they are so young. Thank you for coming and for the fun I had with those boys.

Dad Clark

Mike and Adrianne said...

We are glad we came and that the boys got to see you. Will talks about grandma and grandpa all the time. He also sees little girls and calls them Abby and Leah. We miss everyone and are really glad we got to come.