Congratulations to Mike. Another promotion and you will end up behind a desk while everybody else gets to do all the engineering.
Since the weather has been so nice around here lately, the past week and a half has been all about landscaping. When we moved in, the place was landscaped with rock. Small, pink granite chunks as far as the eye could see. There was a yucca plant in the corner of the yard and 10 or 11 barberry bushs beside the front walk and fronting the porch. I finally got sick of it. Before removing the rock, I had to rebuild the retaining wall since the previous owner didn't build it correctly. Once that was done, I turned to rock removal. I dug up the granite down to the landscape fabric only to find that when I pulled the landscape fabic, there was another layer of rock mixed in with the underlying dirt. So, I spent the last 10 days cleaning the soil from a 10' X 4' flower bed. At first I was just using a rake but then I got the incredibly brilliant idea to use a cooling rack (Michelle wasn't home) as a sifter. Unfortunately, a 9"X 13" cooling rack only takes about a half a shovel full at a time. It was taking forever. I next went around town looking for a soil sieve but nobody carries them. I ended up at a feed supply store buying some small gauge fencing. This worked quite well and I finished cleaning the bed this morning. I ended up with 9 wheelbarrow loads of rock. Most of the planting will have to wait until spring but I did get 4 mums planted and one guacamole hosta (my favorite hosta) planted. This afternoon, I started on the corner lot rock mess. The yucca is gone and the top layer of granite is mostly removed. This place will look good when I am done with it. Just as long as nobody asks to see my back yard - that is next year's project.
Today was homecoming for the University of Iowa. We got spanked by IU. How embarrassing. At least Nebraska won. Caleb's marching band was in the homecoming parade last night. They have 260 people in the band. Caleb is the lead bass drummer. Last night between the parade and the HS football game, he broke three drum heads. When I asked him how he did it, he just told me that the band director kept telling him to play louder so he did.
Good night.
You should put more pictures of your house work--a before and after. We are having cloudy but hot weather. It isn't too bad. It is in the mid-high 80's the last few days and the 90's a few days before. It stays hot here for awhile though. I don't notice the awful humidity as much though.
What's a hosta? I don't even know what those things are and here's Jason, has a "favorite" hosta. How behind the curve am I?
How did you get rid of the Yucca plant? We have a whole bunch of them in the front of our yard. I love them but they tend to take over everything. We have dug some of them out to thin them, but they just keep coming back the next year. Did you did it out or kill it? If you dug it out, you will probably have to repeat it for a while.
Send photos. I'd like to see the work you have done. Sounds like a lot of work - but it's the kind that is satisfying. I love hostas. We don't have many good places to plant one in our yard.
After sawing the yucca down, I dug up as much of the root system as I could then painted the remaining roots with Roundup. Hopefully that will work.
I could use your strong back and deterimination at my place. I have lost much of both lately.
Yes, Jess is behind the curve, about eight years in fact.
I can't wait until I have the opportunity to come and see you Clarks and your yard.
Dad Clark
Oh, and one more thing. You are getting what you deserve with a drummer son. Good for him. Big K, keep your mother crazy at the table with forks and knives and plates and the cadence of a good time. It could not bother your father, he already know all the rythum.
Dad Clark
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