Tuesday, September 04, 2007

It's all happening in the Midwest

We just spent the weekend in Ohio. Michelle's sister, Jan, got married on Saturday in the Columbus Temple. I always love going to sealings - I just don't like everything leading up to and after the wedding. I stayed up until 1 am Saturday morning chopping veggies for the reception. Fortunately, I did get to miss setting most of the gym up for the reception because I was in Cincinnati seeing Chelsey and Brent. They were moving into their new house while I, Caleb, Alyssa, Scott, and Brenden were there. It was a nice although fairly brief visit.

As we drove the 600 miles back to Iowa City yesterday, I wondered how Mom and Dad ever went anywhere with us for an extended period of time without beating any of us silly. Caleb wouldn't stop bugging people and Alyssa wouldn't be quiet. I thought I was going to go crazy. I am glad to be home.


Papa Doc said...

Only one trip we took was so bad that I have never forgotten it -- that was the one to Worlds of Fun in Kansas City. It had been beastly hot the whole weekend (I spent it in a restroom just to keep Adrianne, 2 months old, out of the heat). I didn't have fun -- hopefully the rest of you did. But on the way home I wanted to strangle every kid in the car, including Nancy Flack, who had gone along with us. She still remembers that nightmare of a trip home. We try to laugh about it, but it was horrible.
Chelsey was really delighted that you came. She said your kids are "monsters" and told us how nice and polite they all were, especially Caleb. She was so glad you came to help and visit. Thanks for doing that!
I hope the wedding was wonderful and that everyone had a great time.

Papa Doc said...

All this time I thought that I did eliminate several of you. At least I sent most of you away. My mistake, since really a good session with a monster is a good thing once and a while.

I just thought travel with kids was to be part of human training, for parents as well as kids.

Dad Clark