Monday, September 03, 2007

Will is so cute

The last few days Will has done some really cute things. Today he was in the garage with Mike (Mike is making some frames) and Mike sent a piece of wood through the router. It made lots of wood chips. Will turned and saw the chips and got excited, threw his arms in the air, and opened his mouth. He thought the wood chips were snow! I guess they were really more like wood shavings because they were the really soft pieces not hard chips. Anyway, you know what I mean. Isn't that cute? Also, when we got home Saturday night we saw that our lawn was a jungle and we were the only yard in the hood that looked so gross. Mike thought he should mow that night. Will had been stuck in the car all day so I let him go outside with Mike. When Mike mows he carries a stick with him so that he can use it to clean the wheels out when they get full of grass. This is how I found Will. Anyway, he is cute. And then he does some not so cute things which you can read if you go to Mike's family blog. I would post the link but I'm too lazy tonight and we have to read some more Harry Potter. Good night!

1 comment:

Jess and Jen said...

Oh, to have grass that thick and green. Maybe someday.

Looks like Will's a little apprentice. Teach him young and Mike won't have to mow his lawn. I don't think I'll be able to do that.