Friday, September 28, 2007

Hair School

Hair Cuts L to R: Triangular Layers, Triangular Layers, Square Layers

So I can now cut about 10 hair cuts, (all the basic haircuts on women) and I will be learing men's hair cuts next week. I have to say that I am very confident when it comes to cutting Triangular Layers. (A-Line cuts) I can do all the rest pretty good too, they just take me a little longer. Hopefully I will be getting faster as I practice more often. At School we have a day called Personal Service Day. It is the first thursday of the month. On that day, we get to color and cut each others hair, and do nails and stuff like that all day long. We don't have to pay for anything but the color, which we only have to pay 8 dollars for. So, on Personal Service Day, Ally cut my hair, and my friend Alyssa colored it. She added alot of brown in it. Ah! At first I wasn't sure if I liked it, but I really like it now. Its a pretty color, and I wanted to go a tiny bit darker for fall. I am excited to be getting good at all of this. I am very good at Updos because I am creative. Even though this isn't "real college", its still very hard and I still have to study alot. There are tests every Friday, and I have to pass all of them in order to have personal service day. Coming up in October, I have to bring in someone to be my model for a makeover before and after thing. All I have to do is bring in someone that I can make look like a celebrity, and do their hair, makeup, and have them dress just like the picture of the celebrity I chose to use. I can sell tickets for woman who would like to go to the runway show we are doing that will be showing all of our models we did over. They are ten dollars a ticket, and it will get you in for a free parafin (have no idea how to spell that) wax, a light brunch, and a ticket into the runway show. It will just be at our salon, which is really big so Its going to be fun! All the proceeds will go towards my trip to Long Beach. There will also be people who sell Lia Sophia there, and redkin products.. its going to be fun. Anyway, If you are intrested, just let me know. Hope everything is going good for all of you.


LanceandNance said...

Gillian you are such a hot ticket in that silky blouse with your rockin' hair.

Jess and Jen said...

Gillian...your hair is so cute. And in case I haven't told you this enough're not the only one that is excited for you to be getting good at this. I am really excited too! I'm sure you'll be great at it!


Mike and Adrianne said...

Cool hair cuts. It will be nice when you are awesome at all this. Too bad we don't live close so you can try it all out on me.

Michelle said...

When we finally get to visit, would you mind cutting all the hair in our family? I can make sure it's nice and long for you.


Papa Doc said...

Now you can all see what I put up with. These ladies are glaring at me like, who is this fat guy, anyway?

Sad Dad Clark