Last night Jason and I put the children to bed and decided to have a date. We went to dinner and a movie. Total date cost $40 Movie was $15 of that. Crazy. We saw the Pirates of the Caribbean 2 Mostly because we loved the first movie, but then needed to see it before Caleb and Daniel did. Caleb is begging to go, but we've heard of the violent nature of this movie and how scary it is.
All in all, it was a great movie, didn't like the ending at all. The ending only sets you up for a third movie. It should have said To Be Continued because that's exactly what it does. I only heard 1 swear word. However, it was so stinking gory. So sick, so nasty with the gross dead ghost pirates and so scary. I jumped out of my chair once. Wanted to scream and probably would have had I been watching it alone. Turned my head over 5 times and squoze Jason's hand numerous times. It freaked me out. So no children of mine will see it if I have anything to say about it. I do not recommend this for children under 30. And even then it will scare you.
For a Disney movie I was shocked.
Are you kidding me? That wasnt even bad at all, I LOVED this movie! I have seen it twice in the theaters already. I think Caleb and Daniel would LOVE it! I think that the gory part is just part of the movie, but I dont even remember it being that bad. Hm. Its different for everyone I guess though. I liked it alot. I was suprised about the ending, but the way they did it made me excited for the third one, because the third one is going to explain so much for the first and the second one, and it keeps you guessing. I like it that way!
You wanna see scary movies, go atch When a Stranger calls, you will never let your kids stay home alone to babysit again...
Well I think that you should see the original when a stranger calls. The new one is intense and suspensefull scary not gory because the kids actually stay alive. See the original and then tell us what gory is...
I told my children tonight they won't be seeing Pirates of the Carribean. Gotta keep them young while I can - they are still under 13. Michelle and I agreed it was just too gory. I agree the gory parts are part of the movie Gillian, however I don't want them to think it's alright to watch this stuff. It is a slippery slope. If we say that violence/gore is alright and that it is just part of the story, do we say the same thing about profanity and sex? Does a 12 year-old know where to draw the line? Obviously not. Now, I certainly wouldn't equate this movie with one that has sex/profanity and gratuitous violence but it is rated PG-13 for a reason. Personally I liked this movie for the most part (I hate movies that don't end) and will allow my children to watch it when I know it won't scare the crap out of them. Gore and violence for the sake of gore and violence certainly aren't conducive to the spirit.
hm. well you have your opinion and I have mine so i guess that works out. I still dont even think its a bad movie at all..
It's sad that my 17 year old sister feels this way. It makes me feel like the "world" or society is getting the better of my cute little sisters. I agree 100% with Michelle and Jason. I don't think it's appropriate for younger children to see. I was grossed out and appauled at most of the movie. This is supposed to be a disney movie. They didn't even come close to following the same fun spirit as the first one. I was quite dissapointed, as was Hans.
Thanks Lindsey and Hans. I hoped more had felt the same way I did. The part that bothered me the most was the whipping part. That wasn't needed at all. I couldn't even look. It sadened me that they had to put that crap in. I understand why the movie makers felt they had to show it because "it was done back in those days" but why in a Disney movie. Just so unnessessary. Disney is suppossed to bring Family Appropriate entertainment. This was far from appropriate for any children at all in my opinion. Because this was a Disney movie many are bringing their young children to see it and having to walk out after paying high prices for tickets or they just stay in the theatre because they paid for the ticket and don't want to waste their money. Even Alyssa asked me why she couldn't see it. She said "My friend Michelle (who is 7) saw it last week and I want to also and she wasn't scared." I actually called Michelle's Mom and asked if it scared Michelle and she said, "I thought she was going to crawl under the seat, she turned her head several times and had me hold her, we would have left but had already paid such a high price for the tickets." Now isn't this sad.
Then how about the monster with a thousand teeth, ewe. That's enough to crap your pants right in the theater. And is Johnny Depp still alive or not, heck I saw the movie only because of him anyway, did that part really have to be that disgusting? Obviously he's not gone cause it shows him in the pictures for the third movie, but then why did it show the monster eating him. And all the nasty dental hygiene. How did people even stand to kiss others back then. Where is Jess' sugarless gum when you need it?
You guys crack me up. "Where is Jess' sugarless gum when you need it?" What a line.
I have not seen the movie, and will not. I did not even find the first one all that good. If there is as much junk in the movie as is said, then I am glad I will not see it. Not that it scares me, it is just that that sort of image does me no good. I can understand evil depicted if there is some really good reason for it in the story. And that, only if the story is one that has some ligitimate interest for me. Remember that some things should just not be legitimatly interesting. I should avoid letting myself fall into the need for that kind of entertainment.
Dad Clark
Take it easy, Jess. I don't think any comments condemning behavior should have a place on this blog. Remember, we are all stuck with each other for eternity.
Let's all remember that we each have problems for which we need to seek repentance. One of the things I like best about repentance is that once completed, the Lord doesn't ever remember the sin again. I think that is a good example for us, also.
There are times when it might be appropriate to question someone's actions but even then it is important to do so with love, not condemnation.
And yes, this was a trivial movie but fake violence can have the same effect on our soul as real violence. That is why the prophets have told us to avoid movies, TV, and books that have excessive violence. Having said that, Jess is right in that Disney is not trying to fool people into seeing this movie. It is what it is. Adults are far better able to comparmentalize this movie violence than are children, hence the PG-13 rating. Unfortunately, ratings don't mean much to most people anymore.
I need to go. I am going to be late for work.
Just wondering Jess, have you even seen this movie? If not, then why post your opinion of the violence in the movie. You said, "It's a trivial movie with fake violence." Isn't it the "Fake" violence that has our youth try out "Real" violence?
Okay, so I don't understand the comments now because Jess has deleated his thoughts. What did you say Jess?
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