So I dont know how many of you like Tim McGraw and Faith Hill, But I know that Jess and Jen love them! I am going to their concert on August 4th, with John Tipton, and can I just tell you I have dreams about this concert like every night, I am SO EXCITED!!! On another note, I cant try out for American Idol this year anymore because the closest place to try out is LA, and Its on the 8th of August. I dont have the time nor the money for that... so I am just going to wait for next year, and that way I will be more prepared anyway. Kaitlin is learning to play the guitar and can play one song from Aly and AJ, called Walkin on sunshine. We decided that she needs to learn to play really well and then we can sing harmony and things like that and have our own band, that would be sweet! Oh- Jess, if you are reading this, Have you ever heard of the Wreckers? I just got their CD, its called Stand still, look pretty. I really like it, I am sure that you have heard of their song called "leave the peices". They are good, you should check them out if you havent heard them. Another thing I did the other day, I called some recording studios, and I got a hold of this one guy from Brunson Brothers and he said that to make ONE demo (one song...) it would be $650.00. Yea... that ALOT of money.. He said that if I just wanted to take someone to play the guitar for me and then have me just sing, then its 75 $ an hour... thats still alot. Ugh.. I guess I will start saving up so that I can make a demo after my senior year is over. That would be awesome. He said that if I just took an idea of a song he would have an entire band play it for me and by the time I was done there it would be ready for radio.. So maybe 650 is worth it. Do you think? I dont know though, I am still gonna look around for more prices. Well, I went on a date last night and we went to Red Robin at the mall, There were three couples with is. Then we stayed at the mall and each couple had a digital camera. We had to go around and take pictures with random things like "most expensive thing in the mall" and "something romantic" and "something embarassing". There were 20 things on our list and we had about 35 minutes to do it all. We decided to go to the Zales Jewlery store and we found a 10,000 dollar ring, 2K. HOLY COW! Yea so the lady tried it on and we took a picture of it, and we definitly won that category... then at that store there was a husband and wife, they looked really young, like in their mid 20's, and they picked out a ring they wanted and then he got on the floor and pretended like he was asking her to marry him, and then we took a picture, and it was really cute! That was a fun date though because I havent done anything like that, and it was creative. Well, enough about my life... I better get going, I have alot to do before I go to work. Have a good day everyone!
Gilly, yes, I know who the Wreckers are. One of the girls in the group is Michelle Branch of pop music stardom. I know their popular song, but these girls are a little mainstream pop for me.
I like Tim and Faith, but I'm not going to the concert. Jen is going, on the second row, as her Mother's Day present. She's pretty excited to go as well.
Hope you enjoy the concert!
Who is jen going with? yea we are on the 12th row in the middle so its like perfect! I am really excited, Jen got good seats too! Yea Michelle Branch and Jessica something... i cant remember her last name but yea they are really good. They are a little more on the pop side i guess, but a few of their songs are really country. u should listen to the whole CD! talk to ya lata
Is John your new love? It's obvious that Brandon likes you or he wouldn't be so jealous. However, you need to tell him that he can't control who you are friends with and he can shove it.
Oh dont worry, I told Brandon that already. It has been alot easier for me to get over him because he has been a baby and a jerk to me these last 2 weeks... He was making fun of me for hanging out with John so much and It just bugs me how he thinks he can control who I hang out with or talk to or whatever... But I already told Brandon to chill out and now hes in Alaska so Its good that we wont see eachother for 3 weeks.
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