Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Geography quiz # 3

Ok, Try ths one...


Jess and Jen said...

Dude, that's too small to get anything out of. If you're going to give us clouds, you've got to give us a higher res subset.

Jess and Jen said...
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Jess and Jen said...

Mount Rushmore, Black Hills, SD. Clues: Forested area with tall rock outcrop. It's not Yosemite, and it looks like some sort of ampitheater off to the bottom right, meaning it's a popular spot.

Papa Doc said...

I agree with Jess. I've only been there once, but the topography seems familiar. I have flown over it as well, and I think that's the area.

Jason said...

It certainly looks like Mt. Rushmore to me. See the parking lot and reception center to the lower right hand side? That, the road to the left, and the other geographical features are the give-a-ways.

Team Clark said...

See...not too hard, now was it!?? Once you look closely, it's pretty obvious.

Mt. Rushmore it is.