Considering how my (Adam) health was at the time, we feel very grateful we were able to travel so safely and comfortably home. The kids were great and the roads were clear. I just kept rotating the Tylenol and Ibuprofen until we got home. We stopped at the rest stop just before Wendover, in Elko for Gas and 2 Redbox movies to supplement the ones we already had (great idea, by the way), in Winnemucca for dinner, then Auburn (CA) for our last gas and potty break. Smooth riding all the way. I was very blessed to have no headaches or major fevers on the way home and only needed a very small amount of caffeine to help keep me alert on the roads. It was a good trip.
Our trip to Utah was fun and we enjoyed seeing everyone. We were talking on the way home, however, how little we got to see everyone, in reality. Between schedules, distances, holiday plans, and sicknesses, it's hard to get it all in and done. The sicknesses really got in the way for me, too. I was sick when we arrived in Utah (with a cold), but within a few days I felt great and we were out digging in the snow and having a blast. But then on this past Tuesday night, I came in and began to feel slightly feverish and like my cold was coming back. By Wednesday morning, I was in full flu mode and could not get it better.
Thursday morning at about 4:30 am, I woke up and for 2 hours struggled to get my temperature under control. I could not get warm and my chest was hurting from coughing and shivering. Finally I woke up Mom and Dad and had Dad give me a blessing and take me to the hospital in Payson. We left the hospital with a diagnosis of "influenza A" and a prescription for Percocet. During the night I had felt prayed to know what to do to help since I needed to get better to drive home by Friday, etc. I kept feeling to go to the hospital, but put it off for a while until I knew for sure that was what I should do.
Going was the right decision. I'm not sure why, but for some reason, the Percocet was able to help my body calm down. When we had gotten to the hospital, by blood pressure was somewhere near 175/100 and my heartbeat at some points during the night had been near 120. I couldn't sleep and I couldn't get my temperature regulated. The Percocet seemed to calm my body down enough that allowed my blood pressure to go down, my heart to slow, and my temperature to get back to manageable. It also helped me sleep, which was a nice blessing.
Anyway, unfortunately, my sickness meant that we had to stay away from everyone the most of this week and it wasn't so fun for any of us. We really wish we had been able to spend more quality time with each of you. We are thinking of changing up when we come to a Summer time visit to make it simpler for us, etc and plan it ahead better. This was our first visit back since moving, so we are not so great at it yet.
Thanks to you all who came down to see us and/or let us see you, let us borrow stuff of yours, and said prayers on our behalf. It wasn't a perfect visit, but it was nice and we're glad we went.
We're glad to be home. We are still recovering. My symptoms are more like a sinus infection and a little bit of lingering flu now, but George and Sam are both feeling down and Henry and Amy too a bit. We'll be hiding out for a few days until we get everyone better here.
We love you all and appreciate your support and love thanks for spending time, effort, money, and patience on us.
Love you all.
I'm glad you got home ok. We have also been pretty sick here and our vacation sounds like yours. We pretty much just coughed, had fevers, went to urgent care, and felt miserable. It's been a rough winter for everyone so far, I think. I'm glad you went to the hospital and got your blood pressure down! That's scary!
We are very happy you came, as well. It was so good to see the kids again and see how they've grown and developed. You have a wonderful family! We so enjoyed everybody.
I'm sorry Sam and George (and Amy) are not feeling well now. Hope they don't get it as badly as you did.
Ammon is now sick. We haven't decided if we're taking him in to an Urgent Care center or a hospital. I'm giving him a little more time to see how he does once he wakes up.
It's not vacation until someone gets sick, right?!
Ted has been battling a cold and low grade fever for over a week now. Yesterday we noticed the left side of his neck was swollen a bit. This morning it was very swollen! He looks like quasimodo! Anyway, we took him to the doctor this morning and hope that he gets feeling better soon. Poor guy is just not himself.
Wow - what was the diagnosis? I sure hope he gets better quickly. I'm assuming you are back home now?
No diagnosis really, just that his glands are really swollen. Probably a virus of some sort. We are just doing the wait and see thing right now. He's been really tired the whole week; wouldn't surprise us if he had mono. He's eating and drinking fine. Fever is not bad.
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