Sunday, May 05, 2013

Leah's Baptism Coming Quickly

For any who are interested: Leah turns 8 on Saturday, May 25 and will be baptized the following Saturday, June 1. The baptism will be held at 3pm at our Stake Center just a mile up the road from our home. Leah is the only kid in our ward getting baptized that day so we have the font, chapel, and program all to ourselves.

We will plan on a get-together at our home following the baptism. We would welcome any who can attend.

Leah just told me to say that anyone who wants to do a special musical number should leave a comment here and indicate your interest.

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gillian said...

We would love to be there! Count on us. Let us know if we can bring any food for a get together after. Also, if she wants me to I can sing a song.

Papa Doc said...

We plan to be there. Tell us what to bring food-wise. Can't wait to participate!

Kaitlin Lanham said...

I would love to help with a musical number too! We will be there!

Jess Clark said...

Would you like to do a number together? -Leah