Dad and I were looking at the family spreadsheet last night together and we noticed that from Mom and Dad (December 19, 1969) have sprung 51 people. Dad through Ted = 51 people in this family! With two more kids to come in the next 4 months or so, we'll quickly be up to 53. It's a pretty incredible thought to see the growth of this family -- all born in the covenant!
Okay, so this isn't technically our family, but we could look like this in a few short years. |
One difference between family shown and ours -- we don't seem to believe in family reunions! Once Kaitlin is married, I fear that we will never get together. Weddings and funerals seem to be the only reason we have to get together.
So I propose we set up a reunion in a year or so. Anybody up for that?
We won't be participating in a family reunion in a year because this summer Mike is gone the entire summer (in Alabama) and last summer he was too busy at work to be around. We have already scheduled a vacation for our family so we can finally spend some time doing something together during the summer--plus, we are moving that summer too. The following year is the Richard's family reunion (they do it every three years). But, at least with the Richards they pick a time and everyone plans on it and if someone can't come, then they just do the reunion without them. So, if everyone else is up to a Clark family reunion in the next two years, you ought to plan it anyway and just know that we can't come.
My wedding isn't going to count as the reunion is it?
Are you engaged Kaitlin?
Yeah, I think there will always be someone who can't make a reunion. In a family this size and spread out as much as we are, it's gonna happen. -Jess
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