Sunday, October 28, 2012

Family Halloween Party, 2012

We had our family Halloween party last night at Chelsey and Brent's house.  Although I have not been a huge fan of costumes and Halloween in the past, I have thoroughly enjoyed the past two years. The kids love to dress up and I love to see the costumes and creativity. I actually bought two pair of scrubs at DI this year - one for me as a nurse and one for Ammon as a doctor. He thought that was pretty cool that we went as doctor and nurse. When we got home last night he said, "Well, our shift is done - time for a new doctor and nurse to come on shift."  He knows that lingo pretty well by now. I have added a few random pictures here - some of the better ones are on Facebook but since some of you aren't on Facebook you wouldn't see them. So here are random pictures.

 Brent and Chelsey are a cute pair of hombres. Brent looks like he's up to no good and Chelsey seems to know what it is but isn't saying....
 Cousins all gathered around the table waiting for a delicious dinner of soup (with bread bowls) and salad.
 The kids love to jump on the trampoline and all seemed to have a great time playing together.
 Dr. Clark is in the house.
 Captain America (Henry).
Jedi Kaitlin

 Rocker Jess and his groupies -- fun bunch for sure.
Ninja Jake


Jess and Jen said...

Good food and fun last night. Thanks, Chelsey, for hosting. -Jess

LanceandNance said...

That looks like so much fun! Wish we could have been there.

Mike and Adrianne said...

Fun! Wish we were there.