Monday, September 24, 2012

Silver Lake

One of our favorite places to stroll around is Silver Lake. It's up Big Cottonwood Canyon, and a beautiful drive. Especially this time of year! Since we had the Brigham City Temple dedication for our church services yesterday, we took advantage of the extra time in our day and went up the canyon to check out the beautiful leaves. It was certainly the right weekend to go!
If I'd thought about it, I'd have had the kids actually dress in cute clothing that matched and comb their hair. Oh well. They're all smiling and looking in the same direction!
Me and my sweetie!
We found this little woodpecker doing doing his magic on that poor tree! Wish I could've gotten a better picture though.


chelsey said...

Whoops. Thought this was publishing on our blog. Oh well. Now you all get to see what we did yesterday.

The Duke said...

I'm glad you added to the family blog. It looks like a beautiful, peaceful place. I've never been up there. Now I want to go visit it sometime. The picture of you and Brent is really great, by the way! In fact, all the pictures are beautiful.

Lokodi said...

Wow, that's incredible. Great pictures Chelsey.


Seth and Natalie said...

That place is so beautiful! I cannot get Seth to hike with me, unless it can be reached on a horse or 4 wheeler it's not worth seeing. You look way cute in your picture, at least your hair is done and you're dressed all fall like.

frody said...

estos paisajes dan que pensar, son tan bellos, viéndolos, quiero que se detenga el tiempo, pues me inundan de paz, de sosiego, y pienso si Dios creo esto tan hermoso,¿ porqué el hombre tiene que contaminarlo?