Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The papers are in

Caleb is 19 today and I have been thinking about 2 main things:

One, I can't believe I'm old enough to have a 19 year old child that is leaving on a mission soon.

Two, his papers were officially turned in as of a week ago so I would like everyone to make their guesses on where he will be going.  Please make three guesses stateside and three guesses for foreign missions and hopefully within a couple weeks we will see who is closest.

Here are my guesses:  Ohio, Florida, Utah for stateside.    Brazil, England and Cambodia for foreign.


Jess and Jen said...

Olympia, Washington
Ventura, California
Austin, Texas


Oh, and Happy Birthday!

Lokodi said...

Happy birthday Caleb! You're an old man now. Hope you have a great b-day.
Provo, Utah
Newark, New Jersey
Somewhere in the big state of Texas

Frankfurt, Germany!
Tokyo, Japan

The Duke said...

State-side: Maine (or New Hampshire Mission), Southern California, Georgia
Overseas: England, Mongolia, Argentina

gillian said...

Happy Bday!!!!

I think he will come to Utah or California.

For overseas, I think France or Italy or Mexico

LanceandNance said...

Happy Birthday Caleb!

Stateside: Tampa Florida Mission! The mission president is in my ward. I would totally come and see you your first day. Hmm... or Fresno California mission or Montreal Canada mission.

Oversees: Kobe Japan, La Paz Bolivia, or Nuku'alofa Tonga.

There ya go. Stay tuned!

Dave and Tana said...

Happy birthday!
Stateside...Pocatello, Idaho. El paso, Texas. Mobile, Alabama. Foreign....Dublin, Ireland. Alberta, Canada. Lima, Peru.

Jason said...

I'm guessing Alabama, Washington D.C., or Oregon and London, Kiev, Austrailia.

Kaitlin Lanham said...

1:South Carolina
2:Fresno, California
3:St. George, Utah

2:Kiev, Ukraine
3:Brasil, Sao Paulo East or Interlagos mission... not south... If you go south then I will freak out.

Jess and Jen said...

Tacoma, Washington
Utica, New York
San Bernradino, California

Toulouse, France
Kiev, Ukraine
Caracas, Venezuela

What an exciting time for you guys...and the rest of us too! Can't wait to hear where he goes! -Jen

Mike and Adrianne said...

I don't have any guesses right now but when my brain is working better I'll post my guesses. In the meantime, congratulations. It's so exciting.

Jason said...

You all do realize that three of us said Kiev, Ukraine, right? I will fall off my seat laughing if his call is to Kiev.

Anonymous said...

Somewhere I can wear a grass skirt. Not Kiev. Not Alabama.

chelsey said...

Delaware, Los Angeles (spanish speaking), Alabama.

New Zealand, Laos, or Dominican Republic

Lokodi said...

Caleb, Kiev is actually supposed to be one of the coolest places ever. I have a few friends out here that have visited there and have been pleasantly surprised. That's their favorite place out of everywhere in Europe. I also have a friend here that served his mission in Kiev and LOVED it. So, if it is Kiev, maybe you'll be pleasantly surprised too. :)


Team Clark said...

North Carolina, Seattle, Texas
Germany, Honduras, England
Can't wait to hear!

Kaitlin Lanham said...

This is where Chad guesses.
I thought it was fun to see where he thought you would go Caleb. He has some good guesses (especially since he is from New York and went to Brasil, Sao Paulo). There are at least 2 Elders that he knows of that are going home in November from the Rochester, New York mission so he thinks it is a good possibility that you could go there.
Rochester, New York
Spokane, Washington

Kiev, Ukraine
Manila, Philippines

Jason said...

Chelsey is the closest. Caleb will be serving in Anaheim.