Elisabeth married Brian Harper today. They were sealed in the temple for eternity. The children on both sides and the siblings on both sides were very happy for this couple. She was glowing and I could tell that she was very happy and at peace about her decision. She told me once, "I don't do so well in my choices when I choose on my own so next time it's going to have to be God's choice." They have made sure to include God in all decisions and I have every reason to believe this will be a marriage made in heaven.
There is some work being done on the temple. I don't know for sure why but I was told that the caulking around all the joints was cracking so they were having to replace it. I don't know for sure if that is true but there's scaffolding all around parts of the temple. I love the windows in this temple.
Congrats to Liz on her wedding. I hope this guy is a stud! -Jess
I hope this works out for them. He is really nice! Happy for them
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