Wednesday, June 09, 2010

It's officially sold!

We got word today that our home is officially the property of Prudential Relocation Services.

"Hi Brent,
We have received everything we need and I have acquired your property."

So simply put, huh. We no longer own our home. Sad really, but a relief too. Now if anything falls through with our buyer, it's Relo's problem and not ours. We don't even have to worry about an appraisal! It's kind of weird to know that someone else owns our home now, and we're still in it til next weekend. Guess we shouldn't go hog wild and paint polka dots on the walls, huh!

We still don't know exactly where we're going next week when we arrive in NJ. We thought we'd be in the same loft that Brent's been staying in for the past few months, but just found out a few days ago that the Victor Lofts only allow cats. NO dogs at all. Come on, cats only? They can be just as destructive, if not more so, than dogs~ especially if you have a trained pet like ours. Chester only likes shoes....and only once in a while now (THANKFULLY!). He doesn't even bark. SO, what this all means is that we're in a serious scramble to find corprate housing that will allow us to keep Chester with us so we don't have to board him somewhere for a whole month. That'd be some serious expense if we had to do that. He's gonna have to go to a kennel anyway when we take our "secret" vacation in 2 weeks. (We've planned a secret vacation for the kids this summer. They don't have a clue we're going and we don't plan on telling them until the morning of the trip! Maybe they'll figure it out when we get to the airport and they see Orlando, FL. Maybe not though! ;)

Anyway, so until we hear back from Corporate Housing, we might be living in our car for a few days. It's making me just a bit nervous that I don't know where to even forward our mail. Wherever we end up, we'll be there til the 15th of July. Then we can get into our new house. From the sounds of it, our landlords are great people that have been really friendly. They have even told Brent that when I arrive out there with the kids we'd be welcome to come over to the house, play with their kids and get introduced to the other kids in the neighborhood! Those other people we dealt with originally in Moorestown were NUTJOBS next to these people. I'm so glad we're going to be renting from decent, ethical people. Cherry Hill should be just as nice as Moorestown....SO: PLEASE COME VISIT ME! I'm going to need to see "normal" west coasters. These east coast people are a tad abrupt for me so far...and yes, I've only met a few, so hopefully the more I meet that impression will be shattered. We'll keep you posted and let you know where we're at. Use our cell #'s if you need to reach us after the 19th of June.


Dave and Tana said...

cant wait to be neighbors! just a short drive on 95 away!

The Duke said...

YAY!!! Is that such a word? I'm so happy that it all went through smoothly. Congratulations on the doing such a great job of keeping the house clean and ready for people to see.

Mike and Adrianne said...

I'm glad it's all worked out now and hope you can find a place to live with a dog.

You are right, the east coast folks are a little more abrupt, but my in-laws are east coasters now and they are nice and you are nice and dave is nice so now there are at least three nice east coast families!

We will come visit any time we go visit my in-laws. We will miss having you guys so close. We have really, really loved living by you.

P.S. I keep meaning to tell you that I love the pictures of the new house.

Jess and Jen said...

Congrats on being done with your house and on finding a new one. I want to see these pictures Adrianne is talking about. -Jen