Friday, June 18, 2010

Iowa Trip Part 2

Jim and I left our Sunday clothes hanging in our closet at home. We forgot to bring them. Michelle and Jason took us shopping at their favorite consignment shops. I bought a skirt and Jim got a pair of dress slacks and a blue shirt. It's a good thing I don't live here because those consignments are awesome and I would spend too much money there. Because Jim couldn't find a white shirt, we won't be able to go through the Nauvoo Temple tomorrow (Saturday), but if the weather allows, we will still go down there.
Yesterday morning Kaitlin and I went with Michelle to watch (and Kaitlin participated) her teach body step for an hour and then she taught Zumba the following hour. Jason showed up for that one and even taught two dances for her. I was surprised at how quickly Kaitlin picked everything up. She hung in for both hours. Michelle and Jason are really good instructors!
Top photo shows Michelle (at top of photo in front of the class) and then Kaitlin in blue shorts and Jason next to her.

Here Michelle is teaching body step. I was exhausted just watching her!! This would have killed my knees.

Kaitlin just getting ready to get started with body step. She did well following and learning the routines.

I sat and watched. I totally do the spectator sport thing now. I have to take my hat off to both Jason and Michelle. They are fit, they are committed to staying fit and they both look really good. It's exhausting work. I have no idea how they can do this and have a life besides. Tomorrow (Saturday) Michelle is running a 5 K in a town south of here. If the weather is good, we are all heading down there to see the end of the race and will then go to Nauvoo for the day. It will all depend upon the weather because it's NASTY today!


Jess and Jen said...

Hey Jason, nice shorts! Wish I could have been there. -Jess

Jason said...

Yeah, I've got sexy legs.

The Duke said...

I actually took a photo of his calves to show Adam that Jason's are just as nice as Adam's -- but he didn't hold still long enough to get a good shot. :)

Jess and Jen said...

No comment. -Jess