Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Back Home

Yes, we've left heaven - however, when Kaitlin and I stiffly crawled out of the car last night in Laramie, WY and felt that cool, non-humidified air, we jumped up and down and gave each other high fives because it felt soooo much more comfortable.
We arrived home this morning (Tuesday) at 3:35 a.m. We left Jason's place about 6:30-7:00 a.m. We got to Lincoln about noon and had initially decided to stay at the Flacks and then make the long trip today. But Ammon was very anxious to go home. Kaitlin was anxious to get home and so we decided to just leave and tough it out. It was a very long drive but a good one.
We really appreciated the hospitality and great time we had with Michelle, Jason and all the kids. They are a great family. It was very special for Jim to be able to ordain Jason to the office of High Priest in the Melchizedek Priesthood before he was set apart as the High Priest Group Leader in his ward on Sunday. Jim was also able to stand in with Jason as they ordained Jared to the office of Teacher because he turned 14 the day we arrived. We have missed so much with the activities in their family that it was nice to finally be part of this type of experience.
As physically hard as it was to take Ammon on this trip, we would do it over again. Ammon learned patience and learned to trust his mom and dad a little more. He worked hard to overcome some of his anxieties and I know that he really loved being around the kids. He said he would really like to take Dan home with us. (Thanks to Dan and Jared for being willing to lift and haul Ammon around.)
There were some things that I hoped Kaitlin and Ammon would get to see about the Midwest so they would have an understanding of what that area of the country is like. Here is the list of things I wanted them to see:
1. Torrential rainfall (it doesn't really rain in Utah - it just settles the dust) - check - we drove through two of them.
2. Clouds that turn into tornadoes - check - we saw those in Sydney, Nebraska yesterday.
3. Experience humidity - check and double check.
4. Eat some real Valentinos pizza - check - Judy Flack had some ready for us when we got there yesterday.
5. Eat a real Runza - check - we got some in Sydney yesterday and they were yummy.
6. See a Midwest sunset - check - gorgeous!
7. See our old farm so when they heard stories from the older kids they could understand them better. - check - much to our dismay, but she saw the location at least.
8. See the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers - check. Rivers in Utah are merely creeks.
9. See the huge horizions - it always makes me feel like I could go to the edge of the farthest field and drop off the edge of the earth.
10. See Nauvoo and Winter Quarters - check.
Those were some of my goals besides being with Jason's family. I would say it was a most successful trip in every way.
Thanks again, Jason and Michelle. We sure do love you guys.


Dave and Tana said...

humidity is a good thing to feel and come to realize that you are so so lucky to live without! i wish we didnt have it here.

Mike and Adrianne said...

I'm with Dave--humitity is awful.

I'm so glad you got to go visit them and that you all had such a great time.

That is so cool that Dad got to be a part of ordaining Jason and Jared.

chelsey said...

Sounds like you had a great visit! Glad your drive home was safe!

Not to mention that Valentino's pizza sounds OH, SO, GOOD right now!