Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Number 10 Graduates Part 2!

Yesterdayn we had snow all day long as you can see from Timpanogos. It snowed a lot more in Provo than in Salem. Today it was clear, cool and absoultely gorgeous just in time for graduation. Yeah Kaitlin!!

The graduates all entered in at the south end of the football field and circled the entire track. It was a very nice way to see everybody and cheer individually for the kids.
Balloons were released at the very end and they shot off a cannon to end the ceremony.

This was the group attending the graduation. Thanks for coming, guys! And happy birthday to Leah. I'm glad she shared this day with us.


Mike and Adrianne said...

Congratulations Katy! I've beent thinking of you all day!

Jess and Jen said...

Congraulations Katy! I'm so excited for you and the adventures ahead! I sure wish I could have come today to see that big smile in person! -Jen

chelsey said...

Congratulations Katy! It's wonderful after hs is over and you get to experience "real life"! Congrats on the high honors too, smarty pants.

Dave and Tana said...

Congrats Katy! So exciting to move on to the next phase of life. Your boots are hot by the way. Love it!