Saturday, May 29, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend

I like cemetaries because there are stories there. I like to wander around and read the inscriptions of the old graves. Today we found one headstone that was for three pologymist wives of an Icelandic man who settled in Spanish Fork. I also found a bench that touched me a lot. Below is the top of the bench. Apparently John W. Frame was a mission president. He was only in his 60s when he died so he was a relatively young man. This bench was donated by the missionaries from his mission. President Frame's mission name tag was also down at the bottom of his headstone. I was touched by this expression of love. In memory of all those who have died in wars fighting for our freedom.
We found Stephen Markham's grave - I didn't know he was buried in Spanish Fork, but I did know who he was. Below is his headstone.

I think Jess will remember "Faith in Every Footstep" theme. This shows that this is a historical marker commemorating the life of a pioneer saint.
Stephen Markham was greatly loved by Joseph. He went to Carthage with Joseph. "Accompanying Joseph and Hryum to jail were John Taylor, Willard Richards, John P. Green, Stephen Markham, Dan Jones, John S. fullmer, Lorenzo Wasson, and a Dr. Southwick from Louisiana....After dinner at the prison Richards complained of an upset stomach, and Joseph asked Stephen Markham to go out and get some medicine. After obtaining the medicine, Markham returned to the jail but was refused admittance. 'Old man, you have got to leave town in five minutes,' the guards shouted. Markham refused, and several Greys rushed upon him with bayonets, forcing him onto his horse. He still refused to go, whereupon they prodded his legs with their bayonets until his boots were full of his own blood before he was compelled to leave."
(Joseph Smith and the Restoration, Ivan J. Barrett)
Memorial Day isn't just for old people - it's for anyone interested in history and interested in people.


Jess and Jen said...

Yes, I do remember that theme "Faith in Every Footstep." I learned that song in the MTC in 1997 and got to hike from the MTC to LaVell Edwards Stadium to sing it in front of a packed stadium. The MoTab Choir was also singing so I can say I've sung with the MoTab Choir. It was a cool experience.

Our cousin Kent Clark was in the audience and video taped the event; he found me and gave me a copy of the VHS when I got back from my mission. Does anyone remember what a VHS is???? -Jess

Jason said...

Speaking of dead people, I was on the new family search website and noticed that there is a problem with Great Grandpa Ashby's info. One of his "children" (Mary - not Mary Iola) was born just a few years after he was. This Mary is his sibling. Does anyone know how to change this mistake?

By the way, if you haven't checked out the new family search site, do so as soon as you can. It is great.

chelsey said...

We spent Memorial Day with Charlie and Yolanda. We visited the Royal Center cemetary and put flowers there too. It seemed so sad to put flowers on Brent's sister's grave. It gave us an opportunity to tell Sarah what it means to be a choice spirit. It was a neat experience for me to see that. I'd never been there before. It was humbling to watch Sarah help grandma Pugh place flowers around her grave.

Jess and Jen said...

Did I know Brent had a deceased sister? What's the story there? -Jess

chelsey said...

Yeah, Yolanda had a baby girl a few years before Brent was born that didn't survive. She died at birth. They have a nice stone for her at their family plot in Royal Center.