Thursday, May 13, 2010


This morning when I put Ammon's milk container in his backpack I thought it smelled a little funny but as he was going out the door, there wasn't time to investigate further. I had gotten all his books out last night to get his homework and didn't smell anything. We sent him on his way this morning. Late this afternoon I received an e-mail from Ammon's teacher saying she and all the techs noticed a very foul smell coming from Ammon's backback and she wanted to know if I would check it out when he got home.

I called Jim and we thought it was probably from some spilt milk because the techs often forget to screw the lid tightly on his milk container after they are done with it. Anyway, when I got home, the entire house smelled badly - unlike any smell I had ever smelled. I could trace it directly to Ammon's backpack. I began to unload each pocket - he has three sections to the backpack -a big one for his books and paper, a middle compartment where we keep an extra g-tube, his milk and other supplies, and a small front pocket where we keep his insurance information but little else. I never look in that pocket. I got everything cleaned out in the two large compartments and then began to clean out the small one when my hand closed upon something and when I pulled it out, I knew I had found the culprit. Gag oh gag!!! I nearly threw up because it smelled so badly. Guess what it was......

A dead fish in a Ziploc bag.

Ammon's class went fishing at Salem Pond on Tuesday. He told me he caught a fish but he didn't say he brought it home. The teachers and techs didn't tell us either. We had no idea there was a fish in his backback. Gag oh gag!!! We had to open up windows, we used a half a bottle of Febreze, a bunch of baking soda and I washed out each pocket. Everything that was in the backpack smells.
When Ammon held his hand out on Tuesday to show me how big his fish was, I told him he was telling me a fish story. He wasn't. It was a decent size but we won't be frying it up for breakfast, that's for sure.


LanceandNance said...

whoa, that's gross.

Michelle said...

Sounds like the Easter egg story of Jason's. Please share it again because I've only heard Jason's verson.

Also for the comment above, is that Lance or Nancy?

Jason said...

I'm splitting a gut!!! Good one, Ammon, way to keep Mom on her toes. When you come out next month, Daniel will have to take you fishing.

Jess and Jen said...

Ammon has officially caught more fish than I have in the last 20 years. -Jess

Mike and Adrianne said...

That's disgusting! That classroom probably smelled so gross too!
