Friday, May 28, 2010

Field of Dreams

This is to Jason and family -- have you visited the Field of Dreams since living in Iowa?


Jason said...

We have not. It is up in Dyersville, about 2 hours from Iowa City. Do you want to go?

Jess and Jen said...

73 miles from Iowa City. I want to go! The farm is for sale ($5.4M -- anyone want to go in with me???). -Jess

Jess and Jen said...

Owning that place would be cool, but I mostly just want the house and that pretty! -Jen

The Duke said...

Well, if we took Dad, he wouldn't come home. That's one of his favorite movies of all times and his favorite line is, "Is this heaven?" "No, it's Iowa."
I just wondered if you had been up there. Let's see how tired we all are once we get there.... :)
I definitely want to watch you and Michelle teach some classes. But I think you get up really early.

Michelle said...

We both teach at all times of day, here is our aerobics schedule:

Monday I teach at 5:30a.m. Step and 8:45a.m. Sculpt and Jason teaches 8:30a.m. Body Attack

At nights on Monday in June we are subbing for a lady that usually does Zumba at 5:45p.m. one week it will be me and then the next week Jason. This is only for June.

Tuesday I teach 5:15a.m. Sculpt, 8:30a.m. Zumba and 6:30p.m. Zumba
Jason teaches 4:40p.m. Body Pump

Wednesday I teach 8:45a.m. Sculpt

Thursday I teach 8:30a.m. Step/Sculpt mixed class, then at 9:35a.m. Zumba Jason teaches at 5:30a.m. Body Pump

Friday Jason teaches at 5:30a.m. Body Step, at night at 6:30p.m. I teach Zumba

Saturday it varies, sometimes we teach sometimes we don't, we are both on rotating schedules.

Sunday--absolutely nothing

You are welcome to come to any and all classes you are up for! :)