Saturday, May 15, 2010

A Busy Month

On Friday morning, Jim and I were invited to the school for a brunch to honor Kaitlin who was chosen as the Student of the Month. She was nominated by her AP US Studies teacher. Although he couldn't be there due to a wedding, his letter said, "Who couldn't love Kaitlin? She's so engaged in the class. She always sits in the front and she seems to like politics. I see her as a future politician." Other nice things were said as well. Six total kids were honored. It was a pleasurable experience.
A teacher took this one of us just before we left - Kaitlin to school, me to work and Jim to work at home.
Wednesday night was Kaitlin's final choral concert. This is the small group called Salem Hills Singers. Kaitlin is the 2nd one on the left in the front row. This group is really good. The last song that was sung with all the choirs combined was dedicated to the seniors - it was one about leaving, soaring, etc., etc., that I had never heard. It was a soft, beautiful song. I sat there and looked at Kaitlin and saw all my kids up there. For years I wondered if we would ever get to the point when our last was finally done. When there would be a last concert, a last ball game, a last parent-teacher conference, etc. Here we were. I felt a bit tender and weepy. I wiped away a tear and Ammon noticed. He nudged me and said, "Are you crying?" I said, "Well, the music is really beautiful." A minute or so later I heard him and looked over and he was bawling his eyes out. I mean, he was sobbing. He can't make any noise when he cries and can't breathe very well, but the tears were just pouring down his face. I said, "Ammon, what in the world is wrong?" He said, "Kaitlin is leaving and I just can't handle it." Then we both cried.
Next week Kaitlin's Spotlight Players will be performing. She will be singing, "Don't Rain on My Parade" from Funny Girl. This is really fun evening. And then May 25th at 10: a.m., she will graduate. The ceremony will be at the football field behind their school if anyone wants to attend.
May is always a very busy month with fun activities for all the kids in school.


Jess and Jen said...

I agree, who couldn't love Kaitlin! That's really neat for her to have been chosen as a student of the month! Way to go, Katy!

Mike and Adrianne said...

Way to go Katy. It sounds like you are leaving high school on a good note. Don't worry Mom and Ammon, she will come back and visit.

LanceandNance said...

Congrats Katy! You are a great student and will do well at the next level. I'm glad you have been recognized for your hard work.

Tana said...

Kaitlin! You are so so busy! Congrats on all of your recent accomplishments!