Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Barak A. Obama

I have given our President a new middle name. It is Amalakiah. It sounds less Muslim than Hussein and even a little more Kenyan. It's a name for which Obama could really gain some political capital by distancing himself from Islam and embracing his heritage.

In reality, it was the image of our President that popped in my head yesterday morning as I read Alma 46. If you don't remember the story right off the top of your head, Amalakiah was a Nephite who decided that he wanted to be the king. This controversy led to Captain Moroni's Title of Liberty and the defection of Amalakiah and some of his followers to the Lamanites where, through deception and murder, Amalakiah did become king. The verse that really struck me was verse 10. It says that Amalakiah was a man of cunning device and a man of many flattering words and that he led away the hearts of many people to "....destroy the foundation of liberty which God had granted unto them..." This is what is happening today. I have attended one of President Obama's speeches and I can tell you that he is a very gifted speaker. He is very charismatic. It is hard not to fall under his spell. However, he is positioned to harm our country more than any other previous president. I have never had such a visceral response to a president before. Not even to Bill Clinton. Barak Obama is worse that a wolf in sheep's clothing. He's not trying to hide who he is but rather actually believes that his brand of democratic socialism will make us a better country. Not so. Instead, he is eroding the very foundation of America - personal responsibilty.

I, for one, will be ripping my own freedom out of his grip by voting for anybody who opposes Obama and his no, you can't attitude. I don't care if Europe doesn't like us, I don't care if you are offended because I believe in God and openly talk about it, I don't care if anyone thinks I am little minded because I don't think that gay men and women should be allowed to get married. We should do what is right regardless of circumstances and fight for our freedom whenever and where ever it is threatened.


The Duke said...

I agree with you. Obama actually scares me silly. I keep finding myself thinking that there is a larger plot and that he is just one of the pieces of the plot. I have not normally been one to read intrigue into many things, but this time that thought keeps playing in the back of my mind.
I sometimes wonder if Obama is a pawn. Nevertheless, whatever his role, it does scare me.

chelsey said...

He probably is a pawn in a grander scheme of things. I don't like him either. Not one bit. And it's frustrating to see how blindly people are following his every word. Scary stuff!

Michelle said...

I never voted for him. I hope and pray that he starts doing the right things or our country is in for a lot harder times ahead.