Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Watch This, Yo


LanceandNance said...

is Jen pregnant??!! Is that why all the baby search stuff and why you wanna get the basement done asap?? This video has left me confused.


Dave and Tana said...

congrats!!! that was the coolest way of announcing it I have ever seen.

Team Clark said...

What? I'm with Nancy - is that what you were trying to say? If so, that's great? How is Jen feeling? If not, what are you talking about, Jess?

The Duke said...

That is the coolest announcement I've ever seen!! Way to go.
The secret can now be let out.

Jess and Jen said...

That is pretty cool, isn't it? I thought it was pretty creative given the Google Super Bowl commercial. -Jess

chelsey said...

Congratulations you guys! That's wonderful! I figured this would be coming since the basement is done and Abby's got her own space now.

I hope you're feeling okay and not too sick with morning sickness already, Jen. Keep us in the loop! And congrats again! YEAH!

Michelle said...

If this is a Pregnancy announcement then Congratulations to the both of you!

If this is a joke, then "That's not nice." cause I'm totally confused.

But then again I think it's a pretty cool pregnancy announcement, so I'm going to just think it's that! Great job with the computer Jess, I need to learn how to do cool stuff like that.

Jess and Jen said...

Oh, it's for real! We are really excited about having another baby and so are our girls. I am due November 28th and am feeling pretty lousy! -Jen

gillian said...

YAY! I knew it! I thought you were... or at least I knew you kind of wanted to be. That is so fun. If you ever need help with the kids, let me know! Congrats!

Seth and Natalie said...

Hurray! Congrats on the new baby! And with a name like Rico I hope it's a boy. May your lousy sickness go away super fast.

Tana said...

congrats! love the way you announced it! so so so cute!

Mike and Adrianne said...

I'm so excited for you! I hope you feel better soon. I wish I lived closer so that I could help with the kids.