Monday, March 08, 2010

This blog is DEAD!

This blog is getting boring. We go through spurts where we all post a ton on here, and then we go days without posting. So, I'm gonna start something. Adrianne did the "question" corner on her blog, and I loved it and thought it was very interesting and fun to read the questions and responses. Lets do it on here! You ask a question- to any sibling or inlaw or mom and dad and then we can answer it. It will be fun. Be nice, and no one has to answer a question if it's too personal. I made up a few questions that I wanted to know:

My first question goes to Jason:

What are you most afraid of? I never hear you talk about your fears or anything like that. I don't know you very well- but I wish I did!

Nancy: What is your favorite food? I don't know that about you.

Michelle: What did you always want to be growing up?

Mike: When is the first time you realized Adrianne was "the one"?

Mom: Did you really want 11 children when you first got married? Or did it just kinda happen? haha...

Jen: Do you want boys? Or would you be perfectly happy with your 3 beautiful girls?

Jess: Are you still embarassed about  your foot? Are you still mad at me for making fun of it to polly? Haha Sorry

Adam: Do you have a best friend? I don't think I have ever heard you talk about one.

Dad: What was the happiest moment in your life?

Dave: What's your biggest dream?

Lance: What's your weirdest dream you have had in your sleep?

Amy: Do you want to live in Utah forever? Or move somewhere else?

Tana: Did you like having your dad as a DA? (or whatever it's called) and moving around a lot? Was it hard?

Lindsey: Do you miss your family a lot? Or are you happy in Germany? (I miss you. I miss singing together.)

Hans: Did you think you would join the church the first time Lindsey gave you a book of mormon? What was it like when you felt like you knew it was true?

Adrianne: If you could be anything you wanted, what would it be? (like, what career would you choose)

Brent: Do you like your job? Is it hard? What's hard about it? What do you like the most about it?

Chelsey: If you won 1,000 dollars, what would you spend it on?

Kaitlin: Do you want to marry Brandon Davis? (Cuz I want you to.)

Ammon: What makes you the most happy? What makes you sad?

K, I think I got everyone. If I didn't, sorry. I still love ya. Ok, answer away. And ask away. Maybe we can get like 25 comments on this or something. Fun.


chelsey said...

$1,000 huh? I'd spend it on a vacation somewhere warm with a beautiful beach and few people!

chelsey said...

Oh, and Brent will most likely not answer. Don't take it personally! He's not much of a "responder" on any sites ~ which as of late is probably a good thing...

The Duke said...

Here's my answer about whether I wanted 11 kids.... Are you kidding?!? Heck no...
I hated babysitting in high school. In fact, the last time I babysat was on my 16th birthday. For some reason I got coerced into babysitting down the street from our house. The rest of the family had a birthday party without me. It was a bummer - and the kids locked me out of the house and then promptly filled the tub until it flooded the bathroom floor so they used up all the towels and sweaters to sop it up. Was I ever furious when I finally got back inside! Those little demons sat on the living room couch to face their parents. I wouldn't let them go to bed. And I quit right there and then - vowed I'd never babysit again. That was the last time I ever babysat.
When we were engaged, Jim talked about having lots of kids. He said he wanted at least 8. I didn't want any but I was afraid he would not marry me if I told him that. So I said, "Why don't we just take them one at a time?" Little did I know that I'd end up with more. :) And I'd never give any of you up - ever!
As I began to have kids, I realized that I was totally out of my league. I didn't take any classes on how to be a decent parent. I decided that I needed to put my life in God's hands and that's what I did. I simply said, "You know me better than I know me so mold me and make me what I should become. Help me raise these kids." He did. I didn't do any of it on my own.
I'm soooo glad I didn't choose my own path because it would have been a selfish one devoid of the joy I have now through all of you!

Team Clark said...

I don't have many good friends, so there really aren't a lot to talk about - but HELLO, ever heard of Brent Pugh?? um, yeah, Brent and I go way back and he's still really my best friend. Thanks Brent.


Mike and Adrianne said...

I'm so excited for you all to hear Mike's response.

Jess and Jen said...

Well, if I was embarrassed by my foot I'd sure be more embarrassed now!

I wouldn't say I'm embarrassed anymore, but I don't flaunt it out there for everyone to see.

I didn't even remember you said anything to Polly. I remember someone saying something to Laurel Mackey, but Polly is a distant memory...

Can I go to that beach with Chelsey and show off my foot there?

Kaitlin Lanham said...

OH MY GOSH!! GILLIAN!! HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT!!! Oh my heck he doesn't even come home until like what January??? Besides that we have never been on a date AND he was dating Michelle Clare before he left on his mission. I can't belive that mom actually says the exact same thing you do! How dare you two betray the no marriage for another 3-4 years rule?!?!?! UGH! I am not going to say anymore on the subject!! No more me telling you when I get a letter! GGGRRR!!!

Jess and Jen said...

I am PERFECTLY happy with all girls! The thought of having a boy at this point scares me! What would I do? If someday we do have a boy I will come back and delete this comment so he won't feel bad!

Tana said...

I didnt mind my dad's job while growing up at home. It made him happy and he enjoyed it and I think that is very very important when it comes to your career. The moving part of his job didnt bother me at all. After 4 years of being somewhere I almost always get the feeling that I want to move agian and try something new out. Sometimes when I see Dave's lifelong friends I think it would be nice to have something like that, but really I didnt know any different...and my parents were great with helping us adapt to all of the new areas. Plus I have friends from all over the world...not many people can say that!!

Michelle said...

I always wanted to be an elementary school teacher. But since I absolutely couldn't stand studying in college, I gave that up. I love teaching fitness, so I guess teaching is something I'll continue doing!

Mike and Adrianne said...

I think I would have a hard time if I weren't a mom because I don't think I could make up my mind what I'd want to do with my life. Here are some things I find interesting:

1. I'd love to own a bakery/candy shop

2. I'd enjoy being an author--children's book, editorial writer, young adult, that kind of stuff.

3. I'd love to work with special ed. I have enjoyed every job (which is at least three) where I've worked with children with disabilities.

4. Social work. I would have a hard time having to take kids out of their homes. I would not like that but I'd love being an advocate for families--hooking them up with services they need. I loved that part of my job at Head Start.

5. Painter--I'd really have to get better at this if I actually wanted to make money.

6. In college I wanted to do interior design. I loved my classes. I think I need to actually learn how to decorate my own house first though.

7. I love history and I love reading books on places and things. I just finished three books on Mt. Everest. I loved learning about it. Maybe I would enjoy doing something with history, geography, geology, anthropology....

So there. It's best that I stay a mom because I would be lost if I had to actually do something to make money.

Jason said...

I don't have many fears - at least not in the traditional sense. I love heights, the number 13 is actually my lucky number (whatever that means), I am not scared to die, I am not scared to try new things (snowboarding, roller blading, triathlon, etc...), and I am not scared of most woman anymore. What does frighten me is that I will die not having done everything the Lord had in mind for me due to my own negligence. Also, hair. I don't like long hair between my fingers. It gives me the heebie jeebies.

gillian said...

Jess, maybe it was her. I cant remember. I just remember saying something about "alien" foot or something and I felt so bad after because you looked sad and embarrassed. Never again.

Jason: Your not scared to die? I am. Mostly HOW i'm going to die. ick.

Adrianne, I have tons of things I would want to be too. I could never decide.

Tana: I miss your prego face!

Mike and Adrianne said...

I have never known Adrianne was "the one." Before I was married, I always figured I'd get a clear confirmation about the person I was supposed to marry. It never happened. I prayed and fasted and thought about marrying Adrianne for a long time. I never got a yes or a no, so I decided it was up to me. So far, it looks like I made a good decision, though. :)


Jason said...

You're a real charmer, aren't you, Mike?

For what it's worth, I think you made a good decision, too. She didn't too bad either.

Cedar Fort said...

So... how come none of you have asked questions?

Jess and Jen said...

Gillian, here you go: Once Kevin graduates, where do you want to live and why? -Jess

Dave and Tana said...

gillian: biggest dream? Well the obvious is be with my sweetheart forver in celestial glory... other than that a big dream of mine would be to own an extensive amount of land in the country somewhere... on this land I would like me some lakefront property (much better than a beach at the ocean, you can play alot more on a good lake)

Give me some good land!!!

Cedar Fort said...

Jess: Kevin and I will go wherever we can make the most money. If any of you didn't know, he wants to be a project manager of huge buildings and projects- and most of those are made in expensive cities. He doesnt want to do any of the labor. Just boss people around. So, we will see. We would both love to live in California for a bit because of the warm weather (I do better with my migraines in warm weather) but if not there, anywhere in the East with lots of trees and close to the beach- (south carolina). We will prob move a lot for the first few years after he gets out of school. He loves Utah and I do too, so we will probably eventually end up here somewhere in SLC.

Dave: your answer made you sound like a protective hubby/daddy. it was cute. Well, not really protective, but softie. That's what it is.

Ammon said...

mom and gillian make me happy the thing that makes me sad is when people have to move

Nancy said...

My favorite food? That's like asking me who my favorite child is, I guess that one is easy cause it's John cause he's my only one. But yeah, one of my favorite snacks is apple slices topped with peanut butter and raisins and lately I've been addicted to the cafe rio.

Lokodi said...

Gillian: Do I miss my family or am I happy in Germany? Well, of course I miss family. I miss just chillin' on the back deck at mom's house and having bbq's. I also miss singing with everyone around the piano. I have really good memories of that. However, I have been away from Utah for so long now that it's not as hard anymore. I remember when I moved to Philadelphia. I cried like a baby but I knew it was were I was supposed to go. After that, it got a little easier each time I would come and leave again. It's always nice to come home for a visit though.
As for am I happy in Germany...yes. I love it here. I don't like the gray skies, but when the sun is shining, this place is magical. I love that it's so easy and cheap for me to travel all over. I love that I live one block away from the Rhein river. I love that there are actual castles just around the corner that I can go explore. I love the food. I love how green it is. I love that my kids are getting this wonderful experience and speaking another language. I love that I have met so many amazing people with all different kinds of backgrounds. It makes me appriciate the gospel so much more being here. And, it actually makes me even more proud to be an american. I know that sounds wierd, but being out here makes me appriciate the freedoms and luxuries we as americans have always had. This experience of living overseas has been amazing. I know it will come to an end in a few years, but I sure want to live it up while I can. I just wish all of the family could experience it with me.

Gillian: Are you going to go back to school and if so, in what?

Mike and Adrianne said...

I want to know what everyone thinks will be different in their lives in five or ten years? Where do you think you will be? What will you be doing?

gillian said...


I would love to go back to school. If I did, I would study graphic design. I also would study music and photography. Maybe take a makeup class. But- we don't have money for me to go to school right now. Kevin doesnt believe in taking out a school loan so we pay cash. Therefore, we dont have any for me. Poo. But thats ok. I guess the next step is kids. who knows when that will be.

Jess and Jen said...

Gilly wanted 25 comments and I'm here to oblige. I got nothing to say. Just wanted to be #25. -Jess

gillian said...

Well we can have more than that! But dang, I think this is a record on this blog

Lokodi said...

Hope I'm not too late. Hans: Did you think you would join the church the first time Lindsey gave you a book of mormon? If you want the short answer: No. But I now see the hand of a personal God all over our meeting, my conversion and marriage. If you want more details read on...

As a catholic school graduate I proudly thought anyone that was overly religious was nuts. When I was dating Lindsey I would patronize her when she went on about the church and I thought to myself she was under a spell or the dreaded C word (cult)... One time I dug in my closet for a white shirt and put on a black tie (over jeans- I didnt have pressed slacks) surprised her by knocking on her door in the afternoon with a bible and asking to talk about God:) But Lindsey was like a breath of fresh air compared to other girls. While dating her, she made me feel like more of a man than any other girl, because I knew exactly what she wanted out of a relationship and more broadly - life. It felt real good the first Sunday I dressed up at her invitation to church with a nice pretty young thing on my arm in a Sunday summer dress. And I saw all those fair haired princes staring at her across the aisles and I wanted to toss her over my shoulder and make a run right during sacrament meeting.

We only had a short time together before I knew I would leave for Missouri and then Europe/Iraq, so the decision to join the church and to continue the relationship were inseparable. It was a time in my life where the future seemed limitless and the thought of Lindsey, the church, and the life it promised felt to me like the pioneers must have felt looking west from atop a highest peak.

What was it like when you felt like you knew it was true?

It was a great feeling of accomplishment, empowerment, comfort, blessings, goodness, and responsibility. This can be a double edged sword as there is a challenge perhaps but not entirely specific to converts. In the movie "the Matrix" the whole world as we know it is similar to a computer program - it's not real. And it's run by evil dudes. But everyone in the matrix goes along happy as can be not knowing any better. The good guys who are trying to liberate people to the truth seek out certain individuals and pull them from the matrix awakening them to the truth - the reality that the world is actually harsh and meager and that everyone is continually involved in a struggle to be free against the control of evil. Once someone is shown the whole truth, they are given a choice between the red pill: you are forever awakened from the matrix and see life as it is and become a warrior for truth, or the blue pill: you take it and forget everything you just learned and go back to being a happy-go-lucky ignoramus under the control of the evil matrix. The weak one in the movie experiences regret and wants to forget the struggle and go back to the matrix. Obviously the Holy Ghost had chosen me to be awakened, and he does not offer a blue pill so we must constantly look to him for strength to endure to the end.

chelsey said...

Hans, thanks for sharing your thoughts. You're absolutely right about needing to constantly look to the Spirit to be able to endure to the end. There's some truth to the statement, "Ignorance is bliss", but true happiness can't be achieved in ignorance. If we keep looking for truth and happiness, we'll be shown the way to go. We just have to keep following the Savior's example. He truly is the way and the life.

Team Clark said...

Sorry I've been late in responding...The last few days have been crazy.
So...would I like to stay in Utah? I honestly have no clue. For a long time all I wanted was to move somewhere else, but now I've lived in Utah almost as long as I lived in San Luis Obispo, which is weird. I'm just so used to it. I'm not really use to the weather, though - that I could live without! I love 60-80 degree weather all year long! I would love to live somewhere like that. :)
But we'll just see where life takes us in the years ahead. You never know - we may stay here or we may end up moving on someday.