Friday, March 12, 2010

I gotta charge..

As much as I hate to charge you all for hair services, I kinda have to. A little extra money would be nice right now and the color does cost. Bleach is 30 dollars a tub so I have to get my money's worth. The color tubes are 6 dollars each and most people take 1 1/2 tubes if not more- and the developer is 5 dollars. (That lasts for a while though.) So, here is what I am charging. I hope it's not too much for you. If you feel like it's too much, I can cut ya a deal here and there. I want you all to feel like you can come to me.

These prices are different than my regular client haircuts. I will post those prices on my blog. This is as practical as I could get.

Family Prices:
Women’s Haircut: $10
Men’s Haircut: $5
Kids Haircut: $5- $7 dollars depending on child’s hair
Women’s All-Over Color: $15
Women’s Half Weave: $15
Women’s Full Weave: $20
Women’s Weave with All-Over Color: $25
Men’s Color: $10


Jason said...

I'd take you up on it in a heartbeat if I were there. $5 is a steal.

gillian said...

Well, I do love my brothers. :)

chelsey said...

Seriously good prices Gilly. I'd offer these prices for family only then have a more expensive price sheet made up for other clients. I pay my good friend Rachael $65 for a full weave. She has the same training you do! You're good at what you do. Maybe a student discount would be okay, since you're in Provo too. Make a cute mailer and send them out to friends via email or snail mail. It's an easy way to let them know you're worth good money.

I wish you were closer!! My hair is in desperate need of a cut and color again!

gillian said...

Well, I am charging 45 for a full weave and 50 for a weave and a color so I think that's reasonable. I have lots of poor clients- or clients that aren't willing to pay more than that haha :) So that will do for now. Ally charges 25 for a womens hair cut and 65 for a color so it easily gets to 100 dollars by the time she gets a tip and stuff. But, she works in a nice salon and has to pay booth rent. I dont. When I get a little more experience I will charge more. I think I will make something cute though and send it out! Thanks for the idea.

The Duke said...

I believe I will be her first customer tomorrow. Hair will be colored and chopped off - I have had my hair basically with the same look since Ammon was born - just various levels of shortness. So here goes an experiment. If we don't like it, it will grow and my hair grows very fast.
She is very good and I'm so glad she is getting back into it. Yeah!!

Jess and Jen said...

I keep forgetting to put pics of Leah's cute short hairdo on the blog. She looks adorable and still loves her short hair!

I found a picture of me the other day with hair color that I loved! I need to have you color mine next! -Jen