Wednesday, February 24, 2010

New Callings

Well Tana and I have now been released from our callings in the Nursery. I was beginning to really like it. It was a short 6 months. Our new calling (yes we got called together again, our third now together) is the ward Activities Committee Chairmen. I am excited about it, don't really think tana is though. I am looking forward to really working with the ward mission to get some more baptisms in the ward. I feel as though ward activities are a great way to reactivate part member families and bring non members to meet leaders and rub shoulders with active members. I think though that the only reason they called us though is cause they think that a photo booth will be at every activity. haha


The Duke said...

I was the Activity chairman for only 3 months when we lived in Citrus Heights. I remember one of the activities had to do with relays and things Jason did at his school. We were able to borrow scooter boards to sit on, we had old skiis and used plungers as the poles, we had a ginormous ball that we had to kick and it was a great activity. We had the entire ward involved in teams.
That was my only fame to glory on an activity committee.
I think you will have fun. It is a great way to involve less-active and non-members.
You'll do an awesome job!!

Jess and Jen said...

One fun thing our ward does on an annual basis is a miniature golf tournament in the church building. Each auxiliary is responsible for designing a hole based on the Gospel Doctrine topic (Old Testament this year). We have 9 holes and it's a lot of fun. It's also very hard. The church carpet makes for a very fast green and you'll find there are actually breaks...

This is an adult-only activity. Can't trust the kids, golf clubs, and golf balls in the church.

Mike and Adrianne said...

I don't like adult-only activities. It's fine if you provide babysitting but if not, you can count us out.

I think this is a perfect calling for the two of you!

Jess and Jen said...

At first we hated adult-only activities due to the sitter situation. However, we love them now. I'd happily attend an activity with people I know, like, and have good clean fun while a girl from our ward is babysitting. Our girls like the sitter and it's a win-win all around except for our pocketbook. We've learned that it's okay to stimulate our local economy by hiring a sitter.

Dave and Tana said...

I like the golf idea... There is only just one problem in my ward for adult only activities... There are only like 3 young women in the ward for baby sitters (1 active young man). Yeah we will have to see. There are a lot of talented people in my ward though (magicians, balloon artists, cake designers, ect..)So we will have some fun and baptize some people while doing it.

Mike and Adrianne said...

In our last ward they had adult only activities all the time and one time they had the primary presidency plan a bunch of activities for the kids while all the adults were having fun inside. It bugged me to no end. On the one hand, as a presidency we already had our own activities to plan during the year. On top of that, the bishop and his wife would say stuff like, "Can't we just keep the kids quiet/under control, etc.?" It's an activity for heavens sake. Church activities are meant to bring families together, not separate them. I'm not saying there shouldn't ever be adult only activities....I think it would be nice to go hang out with adults in our ward without the kids. I'm just saying, don't over do it.

Having read my comments over, it sounds like I've got some pent up issues or something. I'm not trying to be rude.

Jess and Jen said...

I agree, Adrianne. Too many adult activities is a burden on people. We used to have a lot more than we do now.

Dave, we also have a 4th of July ward breakfast that we follow immediately with a pop-bottle rocket contest. It's another really fun activity to see what people design and whether their parachutes deploy. We have prizes for highest flight, longest flight, best designed, best crash, etc. Great fun and good turn out every year. You just need access to water (hose) and power (for the air compressor).