Friday, February 26, 2010

It's Official

The announcement became official yesterday. L-3 sent out a company wide email letting everyone know of Brent's new position. He said he was a little overwhelmed by all the attention yesterday. He was bombarded with calls and emails all day. They told us his official start date was March 1st. Not much le-way there, huh! He's going to come home on the weekends (whenever humanly possible) and I'll stay here with the kids til school is out in June. Exhausting to even think about, but necessary. This won't be the first time I've held down the fort on my own. I think with all his past jobs and being bishop I pretty much have as much experience as you need!
Brent has had the opportunity to meet a few of the people he'll be working with in New Jersey and they seem really nice. He's already gotten lots of emails from coworkers with infos on schools, areas to look for real estate, etc. That's nice of them to do! He's already feeling welcome before the job even starts! We'll try to go out there to visit and scope out the area during Spring Break. So far, the kids seem to be okay with the move. We'll see as the time draws closer, I guess.
I think Brent has left a big impression of the people he's worked with out here. When he told his department he was moving on, there were tears. He said he was surprised at how emotional some of the people were (including a few guys he usually has to keep on about getting their jobs done!). I don't think he even realizes how effective his gentle, but firm approach is with his employees. He does a great job recogizing their work and rewards them for it -- even if it means a dept lunch out somewhere. I hope he has the same success in Jersey. He knows this will be a big challenge for him since the dept is much bigger than Nova's and there's bigger problems, but I think he's going to be great!
I'll keep you posted as further details of the process come along.


Team Clark said...

Congrats to Brent!
And we're so excited for this new adventure that awaits you!

Mike and Adrianne said...

We are going to miss you guys so much.

The Duke said...

Can't wait to see Brent tonight. Ammon nearly jumped off his bed this morning with excitement when he heard he was going to get to see Brent.
I believe this is going to be a very emotional couple of weeks for Brent - not only from a move away from employees, but a release as a bishop.
Hang in there, buddy! Keep up the good work and the Lord will continue to bless you.

Tana said...

We are so excited to have you guys close!!!!