Ok, so the first thing I noticed about our baby is the chin. He is definitely a Clark kid (or maybe just an Adrianne Clark kid).
In other news I just wanted to tell this story. Please indulge me and let me brag:
Our stake has a goal of going to the temple once a month. We haven't been very good at it. Every month a member of the stake presidency comes to visit and meets with the Bishopric and asks them how they are doing in the goal. Mike is always embarrassed to have to admit that we are terrible. So we decided to make that a goal for the year and go.
We decided to go last minute and so tried to get a babysitter but our normal babysitter was busy. So we called someone else in the ward we have never had over before. I was filling her in on all the details (what they could eat, where their pj's were, where the diapers could be found, etc). She said,"Holly [our normal babysitter] called and filled me in on your boys already". Apparently, Holly had said, "The boys go to bed at 8:00 and you need to know these things about Will and Isaac." She then told her that Will has specific songs that he freaks out if we don't sing, he has to have his covers on the right side, etc. Will is weird. Anyway, after the temple trip we asked how the boys were and Reagan said they were great and then told us that when Holly called her she told her that Will and Isaac are the only kids she is excited to babysit! Isn't that so cool?! I love my kids! Anyway, it made my night and I just wanted to brag that my boys are so good for the babysitter.
In other news I just wanted to tell this story. Please indulge me and let me brag:
Our stake has a goal of going to the temple once a month. We haven't been very good at it. Every month a member of the stake presidency comes to visit and meets with the Bishopric and asks them how they are doing in the goal. Mike is always embarrassed to have to admit that we are terrible. So we decided to make that a goal for the year and go.
We decided to go last minute and so tried to get a babysitter but our normal babysitter was busy. So we called someone else in the ward we have never had over before. I was filling her in on all the details (what they could eat, where their pj's were, where the diapers could be found, etc). She said,"Holly [our normal babysitter] called and filled me in on your boys already". Apparently, Holly had said, "The boys go to bed at 8:00 and you need to know these things about Will and Isaac." She then told her that Will has specific songs that he freaks out if we don't sing, he has to have his covers on the right side, etc. Will is weird. Anyway, after the temple trip we asked how the boys were and Reagan said they were great and then told us that when Holly called her she told her that Will and Isaac are the only kids she is excited to babysit! Isn't that so cool?! I love my kids! Anyway, it made my night and I just wanted to brag that my boys are so good for the babysitter.
So, what songs does Will need to hear every night? I'm curious.
He has us sing "I'm a child of God" "I"m trying to be like Jesus" "Jesus wants me for a Sunbeam" and "Elmo's world." It's weird because we used to just choose different songs and sing them to him but one day he said, "I want these songs" and from then on he has wanted them in that order or he freaks out. I'm not just talking a mild freak, I'm talking about major freak out. He's silly. He used to love it when Mike sang "Hoka Moka" but now he wants so many songs that Mike has taken Hoka Moka out of the list. Are your kids like that?
No, all my children are fairly normal;). They just want to go to the bathroom 15 times each.
By the way, does Mike know about the thing you had with Jay Leno? Congrats on the ultrasound.
The kids usually want a song or two, but that's it. And they are particular...not of which songs to sing, but of which songs NOT to sing. Everything has to get past their approval.
And Jason, I currently wish I had your kids' problem. We can't get Abby to go to the bathroom enough before bed! --Jess
Jason, we have the same problem as Jess. I can't get him to go before bed and he wakes up leaking every morning. He has only gone a few days without a wet diaper so he wears a diaper to bed still and it is always full in the morning. Sometimes he wakes up in the night wanting to go. About the chin, yikes, that would be bad if the kid has a chin like Jay Leno.
Jess, what songs do your kids not let you sing?
This all sounds like my kids! Geoff has always been like Will with the songs thing. We're just now getting out of the songs thing -- we replaced our own songs with a cd (Yanni -- which he just said makes him feel sad?? -- or the primary cd's.
Geoff and Sarah are now into the million drink and potty trips. It drives me absolutely bonkers!
I really feel bad for you all. Two or three kids and you are worried about songs and potty trips. I think we had to install a sterio system and new toilets!
Actually, both Chris and I like to sing, but I will admit that I never learned Hoka Moka. And probably never will.
Dad Clark
Well, the first white man who chanced to land on the Hoka Moka Isle, was Patt McShane and his shipwrecked Jane and his great big Irish smile...
Those are the first words to the song. It's a cute fun song. Maybe I'll write them all later.
You probably all remember Ammon's fixation with Jim Brickman. We had to tape the CD over and over again on a little tape we could take to the hospital with us. Sometimes the only thing that would calm him down was a particular Jim Brickman song, "By Heart." He knew when it was about to end and would start fussing as the last measure would start. He has stopped fixating on any particular music now. He likes most and can be entertained by other things. He does not want music to go to sleep with now, but that's only been in the last two years.
Good luck with all this. Kids are strange, that's for sure.
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