I have had a journal since I was 15. I have quiet a few journals, and they have been helpful throughout my life. When Elder Eyring was talking it reminded me about a lesson Mike and I taught in our Marriage Enhancement class. The lesson had a part in there about teaching your kids. It said that the best way to teach is through every day life. I agree with that. We talked about how you should look around for examples in life that you could easily apply to the Gospel so that you can talk to your kids about it in your every day conversations. Mike is awesome with this. He uses his engineering to find comparisons all the time. I have a harder time but I have a gratitude wall that I write stuff on. That alone helps me recongnize every day blessings. Anyway, I had a renewed feeling of determination to write down those experiences. Mom posted on Jess' blog that she hopes his blog will have experiences like that for his kids (obviously not word for word what she said). Anyway, I thought I'd post my recent example.
Isaac has to have breathing treatments. He had them about seven or eight months ago and it was just one medicine. He would scream and it was torture. He has also gotten them any time he gets a cold because his colds are miserable. Anyway, his doctor thinks he has asthma but he is too little to know for sure. She wants him to have a breathing treatment of two medicines twice a day for at least a month if not more. I was really worried about this because of his hatred for sitting during them. I wasn't sure how I was going to get him to do them twice a day. I prayed about it and gave him the medicine and he has done awesome! The treatment takes a long time since it is two medicines, not just one. He can't sit through the entire treatment but does very good. He doesn't scream and will put it in his mouth and sit with me. This is a miracle. Will has always liked to sit with me while I read to him or watch a show. Isaac is not like that. But he has been sitting so well. So, while it isn't a big deal, I know that my prayer was answered.
Thanks for your comments, Adrianne. I, too, was moved to action when I heard Elder Erying's talk about not forgetting God. I am surrounded by many physical difficulties with family members and sometimes it is easy to slip into a negative, depressed mode, thinking life is too hard. I decided that if I just wrote down one thing each day of a postive nature that indicates that God is nearby, maybe I could rise above the negativity. I started Sunday night.
Surprisingly, I have found more than one thing daily for the past three days. One example is simply that Gillian set a great example to me by encouraging me to give a loaf of bread to someone in need. She is quick to have charity and I am slow to do so. My intentions are pretty good, but my actions are always delayed and often times are not in harmony with my thoughts. Gillian just jumps on things (sometimes to her benefit and sometimes not). She was my example and I felt blessed to know that she has that spirit inside her. That was a testiment to me that God is in her life.
Tonight Ammon has his first interview with the bishop to prepare to become a deacon. That will go on my list tonight.
I would encourage all of us to do the same as Elder Erying. It only needs to be a line or two but something so we can recognize when God's hand has played a part in our lives or our family member's.
I was thinking about your gratitude wall just today while I was mopping the floor. It seems you've have one since college haven't you? I was just deciding that our family should start one to get us in the right mood for the upcoming holidays. With Thanksgiving and then Christmas, it's easy to ignore the real meaning sometimes, or to only think about the sunday school anwers. I want my family to begin applying the real meanings of the holidays in their lives. Maybe starting a gratitude wall would be a great place to start. Thanks for the example.
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