Thursday, August 02, 2012

Heaven Gone Mad

There must have been some very special occasion in Heaven yesterday because the artists were madly at work creating a breathtaking picture for anybody willing to look.
Earlier in the day there was a straight rainbow that stayed in the sky for a long time. I missed that one so I copied a photo Ashley Bigler took which is the bottom photo. It was unbelievable!  As the sun began to set last night I realized that the color of the sky from my front window was weird. Ammon and I went outside and I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I have never in my life seen such a dramatic sunset.


Lokodi said...

Wow, those pictures are awesome! That sky was incredible.


frody said...

Magnificas fotos, aquí la naturaleza se revela contra todo lo feo, mostrando sus paisajes, puros, debemos entenderla, y así la respetaremos como ella se merece, debieramos de aprender, escuharla y admirarla, cuidarla, para así poder seguir disfrutando de ellas

Jess and Jen said...

These look great. I love the cloud action. -Jess

Seth and Natalie said...

That is some serious sun setting. How beautiful! The rainbow in the clouds is just amazing too!

Gayle Menlove said...

What an amazing sky, you certainly captured something spectular. Thanks for sharing