Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Hot Air Balloon Festival

As part of the Freedom Festival celebration for the 4th of July in Provo, they hold a hot air balloon contest. People come from all over the nation:  New Mexico, Colorado, California, etc. Some are professional "balloonists" if that's such a word. I went over this morning at 6:30 to watch them fire up the balloons and then watched the activities for a while. The landing area was surrounded by several small helium filled balloons attached to long strings. The balloonists had to jockey into position to grab one of those balloons and pop it for points. They also had bean bags attached to long pieces of cloth. They would swing them around and around and then let them fly, trying to hit an X in the middle of the field. They got points for that as well. I'm not sure what else they did because I finally left, but I was amazed at how quickly the balloons can move when they want.  They would go up and just hang tight until they were ready to make the dash - and then they would come down very quickly, moving into position. It was a lot of fun to watch. I realized that when they want to get into a certain position, it is a lot like sailing a boat. I learned quite a bit about it today.  It also made me smile a whole lot. They are beautiful things to watch. It gave me great pleasure. I hope these pictures bring pleasure to you, too.

 A mass of balloons, some upright and the other ones filling up.

 It was a perfect morning! No breeze, no fire or smoke in the air and just enough clouds to make the pictures really beautiful.


frody said...

El cielo se viste de gala ante el color de los globos, las nubes se retiran al atardecer envidiando al día con su arco iris dando mas luminosidad al ambiente, y deleitando a todos aquellos que se encontraban presenciando esta multitud de tonalidades.
Fotografias preciosas, felicidades

Mike and Adrianne said...

I'm glad you got to go and watch this. It's such a cool view and you took some great pictures.

Jess and Jen said...

That sunrise looks spectacular! -Jess