For those of you who we haven't told yet and for those of you who didn't read it on Adam's Facebook post yesterday, we are having a baby. Yes, surprise, surprise. We were thinking and hoping that we were done after Sam, but I guess the Lord has other things in mind for us.
I am 8 weeks along, due February 7th, and yesterday I had an ultrasound and saw the little heart beating, so at least we know it's alive! :)
I'm still trying to wrap my mind around this, as I am still adjusting to 4 children... Thank goodness there is a lot of time before the baby actually comes!
Anyways - there you have it. Questions, comments, concerns?
he leido en vuestro blog que vais a tener un bebe, mi en hora buena, os deseo que seais muy felices con el premio que Dios os ha dado felicidades
I'm excited for you guys and I'm glad this one is going a little better for you as far as feeling so rotten. We'll keep you in our prayers and fasting tomorrow. Yeah!!
Congrats you guys. I'm glad you were open to what the Lord was telling you. We'll be praying for a healthy little one to come your way and that the pregnancy is a good one.
Way to go Adam and Amy (I think). You are way more brave than us! -Jess
That is so exciting! I hope you're feeling well and everything goes great.
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