Saturday, May 19, 2012

Sarah's First

Sarah had her first horse show today with 4H. It was also the first time she won a first place ribbon!! She won 1st place for her work in Halter. Her group (9-11 yr olds) was pretty big. There were about 20 in her group and most of them have been riding for at least 2 years already, so I think she did fantastic in all her events. She got 6th place in Poles and finished somewhere in the middle for Pleasure and Barrel racing. I know, some of these terms are foreign. They are to me too! Anyway, thought I'd share her winning smile!


LanceandNance said...

Way to go Sarah! How fun.

LanceandNance said...

Way to go Sarah! How fun.

The Duke said...

I'm really proud of you, Sarah. It takes a lot of courage to compete and be in any kind of horse show. You have only been doing this for a very short time and you are excelling. I hope you continue to learn and do well. Most of all, ride because you love it. If the competition becomes too difficult or makes you unhappy, then you would re-think but I hope you never lose your love of riding horses. I started riding horses when I was 3 years old - you just started and I'm so impressed with how quickly you have learned already! Can't wait to see you the next time you do this.

The Duke said...

Wow! with that hat and horse in hand you look great. You are doing great at a sport that gives a lot of pleasure. Your dad will have to get some cows now and you can be a real cowgirl!

Grandpa Clark

Jason said...

Great job, Sarah!!!

Michelle said...

Awesome Job Sarah! Glad you did well and you look great too! How fun to have a horse.

Lokodi said...

Congrats Sarah. I have to admit I'm a little jealous. I wish I could do what she's doing. I love horses. Sarah, you look so grown up too. Maybe you should slow it down a bit; just sayin'...
